use std::collections::HashMap;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use pest::iterators::Pair;
use pest::pratt_parser::{Assoc, Op, PrattParser};
use pest::Parser;
use pest_derive::Parser;
use crate::errors::{Error, Result as TeraResult};
const _GRAMMAR: &str = include_str!("tera.pest");
#[grammar = "parser/tera.pest"]
pub struct TeraParser;
pub mod ast;
mod whitespace;
mod tests;
use self::ast::*;
pub use self::whitespace::remove_whitespace;
lazy_static! {
static ref MATH_PARSER: PrattParser<Rule> = PrattParser::new()
.op(Op::infix(Rule::op_plus, Assoc::Left) | Op::infix(Rule::op_minus, Assoc::Left)) .op(Op::infix(Rule::op_times, Assoc::Left)
| Op::infix(Rule::op_slash, Assoc::Left)
| Op::infix(Rule::op_modulo, Assoc::Left)); static ref COMPARISON_EXPR_PARSER: PrattParser<Rule> = PrattParser::new()
.op(Op::infix(Rule::op_lt, Assoc::Left) | Op::infix(Rule::op_lte, Assoc::Left) | Op::infix(Rule::op_gt, Assoc::Left)
| Op::infix(Rule::op_gte, Assoc::Left)
| Op::infix(Rule::op_eq, Assoc::Left)| Op::infix(Rule::op_ineq, Assoc::Left)); static ref LOGIC_EXPR_PARSER: PrattParser<Rule> = PrattParser::new()
.op(Op::infix(Rule::op_or, Assoc::Left)).op(Op::infix(Rule::op_and, Assoc::Left));
fn replace_string_markers(input: &str) -> String {
match input.chars().next().unwrap() {
'"' => input.replace('"', ""),
'\'' => input.replace('\'', ""),
'`' => input.replace('`', ""),
_ => unreachable!("How did you even get there"),
fn parse_kwarg(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<(String, Expr)> {
let mut name = None;
let mut val = None;
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::ident => name = Some(p.as_span().as_str().to_string()),
Rule::logic_expr => val = Some(parse_logic_expr(p)?),
Rule::array_filter => val = Some(parse_array_with_filters(p)?),
_ => unreachable!("{:?} not supposed to get there (parse_kwarg)!", p.as_rule()),
Ok((name.unwrap(), val.unwrap()))
fn parse_fn_call(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<FunctionCall> {
let mut name = None;
let mut args = HashMap::new();
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::ident => name = Some(p.as_span().as_str().to_string()),
Rule::kwarg => {
let (name, val) = parse_kwarg(p)?;
args.insert(name, val);
_ => unreachable!("{:?} not supposed to get there (parse_fn_call)!", p.as_rule()),
Ok(FunctionCall { name: name.unwrap(), args })
fn parse_filter(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<FunctionCall> {
let mut name = None;
let mut args = HashMap::new();
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::ident => name = Some(p.as_span().as_str().to_string()),
Rule::kwarg => {
let (name, val) = parse_kwarg(p)?;
args.insert(name, val);
Rule::fn_call => {
return parse_fn_call(p);
_ => unreachable!("{:?} not supposed to get there (parse_filter)!", p.as_rule()),
Ok(FunctionCall { name: name.unwrap(), args })
fn parse_test_call(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<(String, Vec<Expr>)> {
let mut name = None;
let mut args = vec![];
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::ident => name = Some(p.as_span().as_str().to_string()),
Rule::test_arg =>
for p2 in p.into_inner() {
match p2.as_rule() {
Rule::logic_expr => {
Rule::array => {
_ => unreachable!("Invalid arg type for test {:?}", p2.as_rule()),
_ => unreachable!("{:?} not supposed to get there (parse_test_call)!", p.as_rule()),
Ok((name.unwrap(), args))
fn parse_test(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<Test> {
let mut ident = None;
let mut name = None;
let mut args = vec![];
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::dotted_square_bracket_ident => ident = Some(p.as_str().to_string()),
Rule::test_call => {
let (_name, _args) = parse_test_call(p)?;
name = Some(_name);
args = _args;
_ => unreachable!("{:?} not supposed to get there (parse_ident)!", p.as_rule()),
Ok(Test { ident: ident.unwrap(), negated: false, name: name.unwrap(), args })
fn parse_string_concat(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<ExprVal> {
let mut values = vec![];
let mut current_str = String::new();
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::string => {
Rule::int => {
if !current_str.is_empty() {
current_str = String::new();
values.push(ExprVal::Int(p.as_str().parse().map_err(|_| {
Error::msg(format!("Integer out of bounds: `{}`", p.as_str()))
Rule::float => {
if !current_str.is_empty() {
current_str = String::new();
p.as_str().parse().map_err(|_| {
Error::msg(format!("Float out of bounds: `{}`", p.as_str()))
Rule::dotted_square_bracket_ident => {
if !current_str.is_empty() {
current_str = String::new();
Rule::fn_call => {
if !current_str.is_empty() {
current_str = String::new();
_ => unreachable!("Got {:?} in parse_string_concat", p),
if values.is_empty() {
return Ok(ExprVal::String(current_str));
if !current_str.is_empty() {
Ok(ExprVal::StringConcat(StringConcat { values }))
fn parse_basic_expression(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<ExprVal> {
let primary = parse_basic_expression;
let infix = |lhs: TeraResult<ExprVal>, op: Pair<Rule>, rhs: TeraResult<ExprVal>| {
Ok(ExprVal::Math(MathExpr {
lhs: Box::new(Expr::new(lhs?)),
operator: match op.as_rule() {
Rule::op_plus => MathOperator::Add,
Rule::op_minus => MathOperator::Sub,
Rule::op_times => MathOperator::Mul,
Rule::op_slash => MathOperator::Div,
Rule::op_modulo => MathOperator::Modulo,
_ => unreachable!(),
rhs: Box::new(Expr::new(rhs?)),
let expr = match pair.as_rule() {
Rule::int => ExprVal::Int(
.map_err(|_| Error::msg(format!("Integer out of bounds: `{}`", pair.as_str())))?,
Rule::float => ExprVal::Float(
.map_err(|_| Error::msg(format!("Float out of bounds: `{}`", pair.as_str())))?,
Rule::boolean => match pair.as_str() {
"true" => ExprVal::Bool(true),
"True" => ExprVal::Bool(true),
"false" => ExprVal::Bool(false),
"False" => ExprVal::Bool(false),
_ => unreachable!(),
Rule::test => ExprVal::Test(parse_test(pair)?),
Rule::test_not => {
let mut test = parse_test(pair)?;
test.negated = true;
Rule::fn_call => ExprVal::FunctionCall(parse_fn_call(pair)?),
Rule::macro_call => ExprVal::MacroCall(parse_macro_call(pair)?),
Rule::dotted_square_bracket_ident => ExprVal::Ident(pair.as_str().to_string()),
Rule::basic_expr => {
_ => unreachable!("Got {:?} in parse_basic_expression: {}", pair.as_rule(), pair.as_str()),
fn parse_basic_expr_with_filters(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<Expr> {
let mut expr_val = None;
let mut filters = vec![];
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::basic_expr => expr_val = Some(parse_basic_expression(p)?),
Rule::filter => filters.push(parse_filter(p)?),
_ => unreachable!("Got {:?}", p),
Ok(Expr { val: expr_val.unwrap(), negated: false, filters })
fn parse_string_expr_with_filters(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<Expr> {
let mut expr_val = None;
let mut filters = vec![];
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::string => expr_val = Some(ExprVal::String(replace_string_markers(p.as_str()))),
Rule::string_concat => expr_val = Some(parse_string_concat(p)?),
Rule::filter => filters.push(parse_filter(p)?),
_ => unreachable!("Got {:?}", p),
Ok(Expr { val: expr_val.unwrap(), negated: false, filters })
fn parse_array_with_filters(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<Expr> {
let mut array = None;
let mut filters = vec![];
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::array => array = Some(parse_array(p)?),
Rule::filter => filters.push(parse_filter(p)?),
_ => unreachable!("Got {:?}", p),
Ok(Expr { val: array.unwrap(), negated: false, filters })
fn parse_in_condition_container(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<Expr> {
let mut expr = None;
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::array_filter => expr = Some(parse_array_with_filters(p)?),
Rule::dotted_square_bracket_ident => {
expr = Some(Expr::new(ExprVal::Ident(p.as_str().to_string())))
Rule::string_expr_filter => expr = Some(parse_string_expr_with_filters(p)?),
_ => unreachable!("Got {:?} in parse_in_condition_container", p),
fn parse_in_condition(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<Expr> {
let mut lhs = None;
let mut rhs = None;
let mut negated = false;
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::string_expr_filter => lhs = Some(parse_string_expr_with_filters(p)?),
Rule::basic_expr_filter => lhs = Some(parse_basic_expr_with_filters(p)?),
Rule::in_cond_container => rhs = Some(parse_in_condition_container(p)?),
Rule::op_not => negated = true,
_ => unreachable!("Got {:?} in parse_in_condition", p),
Ok(Expr::new(ExprVal::In(In {
lhs: Box::new(lhs.unwrap()),
rhs: Box::new(rhs.unwrap()),
fn parse_comparison_val(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<Expr> {
let primary = parse_comparison_val;
let infix = |lhs: TeraResult<Expr>, op: Pair<Rule>, rhs: TeraResult<Expr>| {
Ok(Expr::new(ExprVal::Math(MathExpr {
lhs: Box::new(lhs?),
operator: match op.as_rule() {
Rule::op_plus => MathOperator::Add,
Rule::op_minus => MathOperator::Sub,
Rule::op_times => MathOperator::Mul,
Rule::op_slash => MathOperator::Div,
Rule::op_modulo => MathOperator::Modulo,
_ => unreachable!(),
rhs: Box::new(rhs?),
let expr = match pair.as_rule() {
Rule::basic_expr_filter => parse_basic_expr_with_filters(pair)?,
Rule::comparison_val => {
_ => unreachable!("Got {:?} in parse_comparison_val", pair.as_rule()),
fn parse_comparison_expression(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<Expr> {
let primary = parse_comparison_expression;
let infix = |lhs: TeraResult<Expr>, op: Pair<Rule>, rhs: TeraResult<Expr>| {
Ok(Expr::new(ExprVal::Logic(LogicExpr {
lhs: Box::new(lhs?),
operator: match op.as_rule() {
Rule::op_lt => LogicOperator::Lt,
Rule::op_lte => LogicOperator::Lte,
Rule::op_gt => LogicOperator::Gt,
Rule::op_gte => LogicOperator::Gte,
Rule::op_ineq => LogicOperator::NotEq,
Rule::op_eq => LogicOperator::Eq,
_ => unreachable!(),
rhs: Box::new(rhs?),
let expr = match pair.as_rule() {
Rule::comparison_val => parse_comparison_val(pair)?,
Rule::string_expr_filter => parse_string_expr_with_filters(pair)?,
Rule::comparison_expr => {
_ => unreachable!("Got {:?} in parse_comparison_expression", pair.as_rule()),
fn parse_logic_val(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<Expr> {
let mut negated = false;
let mut expr = None;
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::op_not => negated = true,
Rule::in_cond => expr = Some(parse_in_condition(p)?),
Rule::comparison_expr => expr = Some(parse_comparison_expression(p)?),
Rule::string_expr_filter => expr = Some(parse_string_expr_with_filters(p)?),
Rule::logic_expr => expr = Some(parse_logic_expr(p)?),
_ => unreachable!(),
let mut e = expr.unwrap();
e.negated = negated;
fn parse_logic_expr(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<Expr> {
let primary = parse_logic_expr;
let infix = |lhs: TeraResult<Expr>, op: Pair<Rule>, rhs: TeraResult<Expr>| match op.as_rule() {
Rule::op_or => Ok(Expr::new(ExprVal::Logic(LogicExpr {
lhs: Box::new(lhs?),
operator: LogicOperator::Or,
rhs: Box::new(rhs?),
Rule::op_and => Ok(Expr::new(ExprVal::Logic(LogicExpr {
lhs: Box::new(lhs?),
operator: LogicOperator::And,
rhs: Box::new(rhs?),
_ => unreachable!(
"{:?} not supposed to get there (infix of logic_expression)!",
let expr = match pair.as_rule() {
Rule::logic_val => parse_logic_val(pair)?,
Rule::logic_expr => {
_ => unreachable!("Got {:?} in parse_logic_expr", pair.as_rule()),
fn parse_array(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<ExprVal> {
let mut vals = vec![];
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::logic_val => {
_ => unreachable!("Got {:?} in parse_array", p.as_rule()),
fn parse_string_array(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> Vec<String> {
let mut vals = vec![];
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::string => {
_ => unreachable!("Got {:?} in parse_string_array", p.as_rule()),
fn parse_macro_call(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<MacroCall> {
let mut namespace = None;
let mut name = None;
let mut args = HashMap::new();
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::ident => {
if namespace.is_none() {
namespace = Some(p.as_span().as_str().to_string());
} else {
name = Some(p.as_span().as_str().to_string());
Rule::kwarg => {
let (key, val) = parse_kwarg(p)?;
args.insert(key, val);
_ => unreachable!("Got {:?} in parse_macro_call", p.as_rule()),
Ok(MacroCall { namespace: namespace.unwrap(), name: name.unwrap(), args })
fn parse_variable_tag(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<Node> {
let mut ws = WS::default();
let mut expr = None;
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::variable_start => {
ws.left = p.as_span().as_str() == "{{-";
Rule::variable_end => {
ws.right = p.as_span().as_str() == "-}}";
Rule::logic_expr => expr = Some(parse_logic_expr(p)?),
Rule::array_filter => expr = Some(parse_array_with_filters(p)?),
_ => unreachable!("unexpected {:?} rule in parse_variable_tag", p.as_rule()),
Ok(Node::VariableBlock(ws, expr.unwrap()))
fn parse_import_macro(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> Node {
let mut ws = WS::default();
let mut file = None;
let mut ident = None;
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::tag_start => {
ws.left = p.as_span().as_str() == "{%-";
Rule::string => file = Some(replace_string_markers(p.as_span().as_str())),
Rule::ident => ident = Some(p.as_span().as_str().to_string()),
Rule::tag_end => {
ws.right = p.as_span().as_str() == "-%}";
_ => unreachable!(),
Node::ImportMacro(ws, file.unwrap(), ident.unwrap())
fn parse_extends(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> Node {
let mut ws = WS::default();
let mut file = None;
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::tag_start => {
ws.left = p.as_span().as_str() == "{%-";
Rule::string => file = Some(replace_string_markers(p.as_span().as_str())),
Rule::tag_end => {
ws.right = p.as_span().as_str() == "-%}";
_ => unreachable!(),
Node::Extends(ws, file.unwrap())
fn parse_include(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> Node {
let mut ws = WS::default();
let mut files = vec![];
let mut ignore_missing = false;
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::tag_start => {
ws.left = p.as_span().as_str() == "{%-";
Rule::string => {
Rule::string_array => files.extend(parse_string_array(p)),
Rule::ignore_missing => ignore_missing = true,
Rule::tag_end => {
ws.right = p.as_span().as_str() == "-%}";
_ => unreachable!(),
Node::Include(ws, files, ignore_missing)
fn parse_set_tag(pair: Pair<Rule>, global: bool) -> TeraResult<Node> {
let mut ws = WS::default();
let mut key = None;
let mut expr = None;
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::tag_start => {
ws.left = p.as_span().as_str() == "{%-";
Rule::tag_end => {
ws.right = p.as_span().as_str() == "-%}";
Rule::ident => key = Some(p.as_str().to_string()),
Rule::logic_expr => expr = Some(parse_logic_expr(p)?),
Rule::array_filter => expr = Some(parse_array_with_filters(p)?),
_ => unreachable!("unexpected {:?} rule in parse_set_tag", p.as_rule()),
Ok(Node::Set(ws, Set { key: key.unwrap(), value: expr.unwrap(), global }))
fn parse_raw_tag(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> Node {
let mut start_ws = WS::default();
let mut end_ws = WS::default();
let mut text = None;
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::raw_tag => {
for p2 in p.into_inner() {
match p2.as_rule() {
Rule::tag_start => start_ws.left = p2.as_span().as_str() == "{%-",
Rule::tag_end => start_ws.right = p2.as_span().as_str() == "-%}",
_ => unreachable!(),
Rule::raw_text => text = Some(p.as_str().to_string()),
Rule::endraw_tag => {
for p2 in p.into_inner() {
match p2.as_rule() {
Rule::tag_start => end_ws.left = p2.as_span().as_str() == "{%-",
Rule::tag_end => end_ws.right = p2.as_span().as_str() == "-%}",
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => unreachable!("unexpected {:?} rule in parse_raw_tag", p.as_rule()),
Node::Raw(start_ws, text.unwrap(), end_ws)
fn parse_filter_section(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<Node> {
let mut start_ws = WS::default();
let mut end_ws = WS::default();
let mut filter = None;
let mut body = vec![];
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::filter_tag => {
for p2 in p.into_inner() {
match p2.as_rule() {
Rule::tag_start => start_ws.left = p2.as_span().as_str() == "{%-",
Rule::tag_end => start_ws.right = p2.as_span().as_str() == "-%}",
Rule::fn_call => filter = Some(parse_fn_call(p2)?),
Rule::ident => {
filter = Some(FunctionCall {
name: p2.as_str().to_string(),
args: HashMap::new(),
_ => unreachable!("Got {:?} while parsing filter_tag", p2),
| Rule::macro_content
| Rule::block_content
| Rule::filter_section_content
| Rule::for_content => {
Rule::endfilter_tag => {
for p2 in p.into_inner() {
match p2.as_rule() {
Rule::tag_start => end_ws.left = p2.as_span().as_str() == "{%-",
Rule::tag_end => end_ws.right = p2.as_span().as_str() == "-%}",
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => unreachable!("unexpected {:?} rule in parse_filter_section", p.as_rule()),
Ok(Node::FilterSection(start_ws, FilterSection { filter: filter.unwrap(), body }, end_ws))
fn parse_block(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<Node> {
let mut start_ws = WS::default();
let mut end_ws = WS::default();
let mut name = None;
let mut body = vec![];
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::block_tag => {
for p2 in p.into_inner() {
match p2.as_rule() {
Rule::tag_start => start_ws.left = p2.as_span().as_str() == "{%-",
Rule::tag_end => start_ws.right = p2.as_span().as_str() == "-%}",
Rule::ident => name = Some(p2.as_span().as_str().to_string()),
_ => unreachable!(),
Rule::block_content => body.extend(parse_content(p)?),
Rule::endblock_tag => {
for p2 in p.into_inner() {
match p2.as_rule() {
Rule::tag_start => end_ws.left = p2.as_span().as_str() == "{%-",
Rule::tag_end => end_ws.right = p2.as_span().as_str() == "-%}",
Rule::ident => (),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => unreachable!("unexpected {:?} rule in parse_filter_section", p.as_rule()),
Ok(Node::Block(start_ws, Block { name: name.unwrap(), body }, end_ws))
fn parse_macro_arg(p: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<ExprVal> {
let val = match p.as_rule() {
Rule::int => Some(ExprVal::Int(
.map_err(|_| Error::msg(format!("Integer out of bounds: `{}`", p.as_str())))?,
Rule::float => Some(ExprVal::Float(
.map_err(|_| Error::msg(format!("Float out of bounds: `{}`", p.as_str())))?,
Rule::boolean => match p.as_str() {
"true" => Some(ExprVal::Bool(true)),
"True" => Some(ExprVal::Bool(true)),
"false" => Some(ExprVal::Bool(false)),
"False" => Some(ExprVal::Bool(false)),
_ => unreachable!(),
Rule::string => Some(ExprVal::String(replace_string_markers(p.as_str()))),
_ => unreachable!("Got {:?} in parse_macro_arg: {}", p.as_rule(), p.as_str()),
fn parse_macro_fn(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<(String, HashMap<String, Option<Expr>>)> {
let mut name = String::new();
let mut args = HashMap::new();
for p2 in pair.into_inner() {
match p2.as_rule() {
Rule::ident => name = p2.as_str().to_string(),
Rule::macro_def_arg => {
let mut arg_name = None;
let mut default_val = None;
for p3 in p2.into_inner() {
match p3.as_rule() {
Rule::ident => arg_name = Some(p3.as_str().to_string()),
_ => default_val = Some(Expr::new(parse_macro_arg(p3)?)),
args.insert(arg_name.unwrap(), default_val);
_ => continue,
Ok((name, args))
fn parse_macro_definition(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<Node> {
let mut start_ws = WS::default();
let mut end_ws = WS::default();
let mut name = String::new();
let mut args = HashMap::new();
let mut body = vec![];
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::macro_tag => {
for p2 in p.into_inner() {
match p2.as_rule() {
Rule::tag_start => start_ws.left = p2.as_span().as_str() == "{%-",
Rule::tag_end => start_ws.right = p2.as_span().as_str() == "-%}",
Rule::macro_fn_wrapper => {
let macro_fn = parse_macro_fn(p2)?;
name = macro_fn.0;
args = macro_fn.1;
_ => continue,
Rule::macro_content => body.extend(parse_content(p)?),
Rule::endmacro_tag => {
for p2 in p.into_inner() {
match p2.as_rule() {
Rule::tag_start => end_ws.left = p2.as_span().as_str() == "{%-",
Rule::tag_end => end_ws.right = p2.as_span().as_str() == "-%}",
Rule::ident => (),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => unreachable!("unexpected {:?} rule in parse_macro_definition", p.as_rule()),
Ok(Node::MacroDefinition(start_ws, MacroDefinition { name, args, body }, end_ws))
fn parse_forloop(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<Node> {
let mut start_ws = WS::default();
let mut end_ws = WS::default();
let mut key = None;
let mut value = None;
let mut container = None;
let mut body = vec![];
let mut empty_body: Option<Vec<Node>> = None;
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::for_tag => {
let mut idents = vec![];
for p2 in p.into_inner() {
match p2.as_rule() {
Rule::tag_start => start_ws.left = p2.as_span().as_str() == "{%-",
Rule::tag_end => start_ws.right = p2.as_span().as_str() == "-%}",
Rule::ident => idents.push(p2.as_str().to_string()),
Rule::basic_expr_filter => {
container = Some(parse_basic_expr_with_filters(p2)?);
Rule::array_filter => container = Some(parse_array_with_filters(p2)?),
_ => unreachable!(),
if idents.len() == 1 {
value = Some(idents[0].clone());
} else {
key = Some(idents[0].clone());
value = Some(idents[1].clone());
| Rule::macro_content
| Rule::block_content
| Rule::filter_section_content
| Rule::for_content => {
match empty_body {
Some(ref mut empty_body) => empty_body.extend(parse_content(p)?),
None => body.extend(parse_content(p)?),
Rule::else_tag => {
empty_body = Some(vec![]);
Rule::endfor_tag => {
for p2 in p.into_inner() {
match p2.as_rule() {
Rule::tag_start => end_ws.left = p2.as_span().as_str() == "{%-",
Rule::tag_end => end_ws.right = p2.as_span().as_str() == "-%}",
Rule::ident => (),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => unreachable!("unexpected {:?} rule in parse_forloop", p.as_rule()),
Forloop { key, value: value.unwrap(), container: container.unwrap(), body, empty_body },
fn parse_break_tag(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> Node {
let mut ws = WS::default();
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::tag_start => {
ws.left = p.as_span().as_str() == "{%-";
Rule::tag_end => {
ws.right = p.as_span().as_str() == "-%}";
_ => unreachable!(),
fn parse_continue_tag(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> Node {
let mut ws = WS::default();
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::tag_start => {
ws.left = p.as_span().as_str() == "{%-";
Rule::tag_end => {
ws.right = p.as_span().as_str() == "-%}";
_ => unreachable!(),
fn parse_comment_tag(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> Node {
let mut ws = WS::default();
let mut content = String::new();
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::comment_start => {
ws.left = p.as_span().as_str() == "{#-";
Rule::comment_end => {
ws.right = p.as_span().as_str() == "-#}";
Rule::comment_text => {
content = p.as_str().to_owned();
_ => unreachable!(),
Node::Comment(ws, content)
fn parse_if(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<Node> {
let mut end_ws = WS::default();
let mut conditions = vec![];
let mut otherwise = None;
let mut current_ws = WS::default();
let mut expr = None;
let mut current_body = vec![];
let mut in_else = false;
for p in pair.into_inner() {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::if_tag | Rule::elif_tag => {
if p.as_rule() == Rule::elif_tag {
conditions.push((current_ws, expr.unwrap(), current_body));
expr = None;
current_ws = WS::default();
current_body = vec![];
for p2 in p.into_inner() {
match p2.as_rule() {
Rule::tag_start => current_ws.left = p2.as_span().as_str() == "{%-",
Rule::tag_end => current_ws.right = p2.as_span().as_str() == "-%}",
Rule::logic_expr => expr = Some(parse_logic_expr(p2)?),
_ => unreachable!(),
| Rule::macro_content
| Rule::block_content
| Rule::for_content
| Rule::filter_section_content => current_body.extend(parse_content(p)?),
Rule::else_tag => {
if expr.is_some() {
conditions.push((current_ws, expr.unwrap(), current_body));
expr = None;
current_ws = WS::default();
current_body = vec![];
in_else = true;
for p2 in p.into_inner() {
match p2.as_rule() {
Rule::tag_start => current_ws.left = p2.as_span().as_str() == "{%-",
Rule::tag_end => current_ws.right = p2.as_span().as_str() == "-%}",
_ => unreachable!(),
Rule::endif_tag => {
if in_else {
otherwise = Some((current_ws, current_body));
} else {
conditions.push((current_ws, expr.unwrap(), current_body));
for p2 in p.into_inner() {
match p2.as_rule() {
Rule::tag_start => end_ws.left = p2.as_span().as_str() == "{%-",
Rule::tag_end => end_ws.right = p2.as_span().as_str() == "-%}",
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => unreachable!("unreachable rule in parse_if: {:?}", p.as_rule()),
Ok(Node::If(If { conditions, otherwise }, end_ws))
fn parse_content(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> TeraResult<Vec<Node>> {
let pairs = pair.into_inner();
let mut nodes = Vec::with_capacity(pairs.len());
for p in pairs {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::include_tag => nodes.push(parse_include(p)),
Rule::comment_tag => nodes.push(parse_comment_tag(p)),
Rule::super_tag => nodes.push(Node::Super),
Rule::set_tag => nodes.push(parse_set_tag(p, false)?),
Rule::set_global_tag => nodes.push(parse_set_tag(p, true)?),
Rule::raw => nodes.push(parse_raw_tag(p)),
Rule::variable_tag => nodes.push(parse_variable_tag(p)?),
Rule::forloop => nodes.push(parse_forloop(p)?),
Rule::break_tag => nodes.push(parse_break_tag(p)),
Rule::continue_tag => nodes.push(parse_continue_tag(p)),
| Rule::macro_if
| Rule::block_if
| Rule::for_if
| Rule::filter_section_if => nodes.push(parse_if(p)?),
Rule::filter_section => nodes.push(parse_filter_section(p)?),
Rule::text => nodes.push(Node::Text(p.as_span().as_str().to_string())),
Rule::block => nodes.push(parse_block(p)?),
_ => unreachable!("unreachable content rule: {:?}", p.as_rule()),
pub fn parse(input: &str) -> TeraResult<Vec<Node>> {
let mut pairs = match TeraParser::parse(Rule::template, input) {
Ok(p) => p,
Err(e) => {
let fancy_e = e.renamed_rules(|rule| {
match *rule {
Rule::EOI => "end of input".to_string(),
Rule::int => "an integer".to_string(),
Rule::float => "a float".to_string(),
| Rule::double_quoted_string
| Rule::single_quoted_string
| Rule::backquoted_quoted_string => {
"a string".to_string()
Rule::string_concat => "a concatenation of strings".to_string(),
Rule::string_expr_filter => "a string or a concatenation of strings".to_string(),
Rule::all_chars => "a character".to_string(),
Rule::array => "an array of values".to_string(),
Rule::array_filter => "an array of values with an optional filter".to_string(),
Rule::string_array => "an array of strings".to_string(),
Rule::basic_val => "a value".to_string(),
Rule::basic_op => "a mathematical operator".to_string(),
Rule::comparison_op => "a comparison operator".to_string(),
Rule::boolean => "`true` or `false`".to_string(),
Rule::ident => "an identifier (must start with a-z)".to_string(),
Rule::dotted_ident => "a dotted identifier (identifiers separated by `.`)".to_string(),
Rule::dotted_square_bracket_ident => "a square bracketed identifier (identifiers separated by `.` or `[]`s)".to_string(),
Rule::square_brackets => "an identifier, string or integer inside `[]`s".to_string(),
Rule::basic_expr_filter => "an expression with an optional filter".to_string(),
Rule::comparison_val => "a comparison value".to_string(),
Rule::basic_expr | Rule::comparison_expr => "an expression".to_string(),
Rule::logic_val => "a value that can be negated".to_string(),
Rule::logic_expr => "any expressions".to_string(),
Rule::fn_call => "a function call".to_string(),
Rule::kwarg => "a keyword argument: `key=value` where `value` can be any expressions".to_string(),
Rule::kwargs => "a list of keyword arguments: `key=value` where `value` can be any expressions and separated by `,`".to_string(),
Rule::op_or => "`or`".to_string(),
Rule::op_and => "`and`".to_string(),
Rule::op_not => "`not`".to_string(),
Rule::op_lte => "`<=`".to_string(),
Rule::op_gte => "`>=`".to_string(),
Rule::op_lt => "`<`".to_string(),
Rule::op_gt => "`>`".to_string(),
Rule::op_ineq => "`!=`".to_string(),
Rule::op_eq => "`==`".to_string(),
Rule::op_plus => "`+`".to_string(),
Rule::op_minus => "`-`".to_string(),
Rule::op_times => "`*`".to_string(),
Rule::op_slash => "`/`".to_string(),
Rule::op_modulo => "`%`".to_string(),
Rule::filter => "a filter".to_string(),
Rule::test => "a test".to_string(),
Rule::test_not => "a negated test".to_string(),
Rule::test_call => "a test call".to_string(),
Rule::test_arg => "a test argument (any expressions including arrays)".to_string(),
Rule::test_args => "a list of test arguments (any expression including arrays)".to_string(),
Rule::macro_fn | Rule::macro_fn_wrapper => "a macro function".to_string(),
Rule::macro_call => "a macro function call".to_string(),
Rule::macro_def_arg => {
"an argument name with an optional default literal value: `id`, `key=1`".to_string()
Rule::macro_def_args => {
"a list of argument names with an optional default literal value: `id`, `key=1`".to_string()
Rule::endmacro_tag => "`{% endmacro %}`".to_string(),
Rule::macro_content => "the macro content".to_string(),
Rule::filter_section_content => "the filter section content".to_string(),
Rule::set_tag => "a `set` tag`".to_string(),
Rule::set_global_tag => "a `set_global` tag`".to_string(),
Rule::block_content | Rule::content | Rule::for_content => {
"some content".to_string()
Rule::text => "some text".to_string(),
Rule::tag_start => "tag".to_string(),
Rule::tag_end => "`%}` or `-%}`".to_string(),
Rule::super_tag => "`{{ super() }}`".to_string(),
Rule::raw_tag => "`{% raw %}`".to_string(),
Rule::raw_text => "some raw text".to_string(),
Rule::raw => "a raw block (`{% raw %}...{% endraw %}`".to_string(),
Rule::endraw_tag => "`{% endraw %}`".to_string(),
Rule::ignore_missing => "ignore missing mark for include tag".to_string(),
Rule::include_tag => r#"an include tag (`{% include "..." %}`)"#.to_string(),
Rule::comment_tag => "a comment tag (`{#...#}`)".to_string(),
Rule::comment_text => "the context of a comment (`{# ... #}`)".to_string(),
Rule::variable_tag => "a variable tag (`{{ ... }}`)".to_string(),
Rule::filter_tag | Rule::filter_section => {
"a filter section (`{% filter something %}...{% endfilter %}`)".to_string()
Rule::for_tag | Rule::forloop => {
"a forloop (`{% for i in something %}...{% endfor %}".to_string()
Rule::endfilter_tag => "an endfilter tag (`{% endfilter %}`)".to_string(),
Rule::endfor_tag => "an endfor tag (`{% endfor %}`)".to_string(),
| Rule::content_if
| Rule::block_if
| Rule::macro_if
| Rule::for_if
| Rule::filter_section_if => {
"an `if` tag".to_string()
Rule::elif_tag => "an `elif` tag".to_string(),
Rule::else_tag => "an `else` tag".to_string(),
Rule::endif_tag => "an endif tag (`{% endif %}`)".to_string(),
Rule::WHITESPACE => "whitespace".to_string(),
Rule::variable_start => "a variable start (`{{`)".to_string(),
Rule::variable_end => "a variable end (`}}`)".to_string(),
Rule::comment_start => "a comment start (`{#`)".to_string(),
Rule::comment_end => "a comment end (`#}`)".to_string(),
Rule::block_start => "`{{`, `{%` or `{#`".to_string(),
Rule::import_macro_tag => r#"an import macro tag (`{% import "filename" as namespace %}`"#.to_string(),
Rule::block | Rule::block_tag => r#"a block tag (`{% block block_name %}`"#.to_string(),
Rule::endblock_tag => r#"an endblock tag (`{% endblock block_name %}`"#.to_string(),
| Rule::macro_tag => r#"a macro definition tag (`{% macro my_macro() %}`"#.to_string(),
Rule::extends_tag => r#"an extends tag (`{% extends "myfile" %}`"#.to_string(),
Rule::template => "a template".to_string(),
Rule::break_tag => "a break tag".to_string(),
Rule::continue_tag => "a continue tag".to_string(),
Rule::top_imports => "top imports".to_string(),
Rule::in_cond => "a `in` condition".to_string(),
Rule::in_cond_container => "a `in` condition container: a string, an array or an ident".to_string(),
return Err(Error::msg(fancy_e));
let mut nodes = vec![];
for p in {
match p.as_rule() {
Rule::extends_tag => nodes.push(parse_extends(p)),
Rule::import_macro_tag => nodes.push(parse_import_macro(p)),
Rule::content => nodes.extend(parse_content(p)?),
Rule::macro_definition => nodes.push(parse_macro_definition(p)?),
Rule::comment_tag => (),
Rule::EOI => (),
_ => unreachable!("unknown tpl rule: {:?}", p.as_rule()),