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use std::future::Future;
/// A "retry policy" to classify if a request should be retried.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use tower::retry::Policy;
/// use futures_util::future;
/// type Req = String;
/// type Res = String;
/// struct Attempts(usize);
/// impl<E> Policy<Req, Res, E> for Attempts {
/// type Future = future::Ready<()>;
/// fn retry(&mut self, req: &mut Req, result: &mut Result<Res, E>) -> Option<Self::Future> {
/// match result {
/// Ok(_) => {
/// // Treat all `Response`s as success,
/// // so don't retry...
/// None
/// },
/// Err(_) => {
/// // Treat all errors as failures...
/// // But we limit the number of attempts...
/// if self.0 > 0 {
/// // Try again!
/// self.0 -= 1;
/// Some(future::ready(()))
/// } else {
/// // Used all our attempts, no retry...
/// None
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// fn clone_request(&mut self, req: &Req) -> Option<Req> {
/// Some(req.clone())
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub trait Policy<Req, Res, E> {
/// The [`Future`] type returned by [`Policy::retry`].
type Future: Future<Output = ()>;
/// Check the policy if a certain request should be retried.
/// This method is passed a reference to the original request, and either
/// the [`Service::Response`] or [`Service::Error`] from the inner service.
/// If the request should **not** be retried, return `None`.
/// If the request *should* be retried, return `Some` future that will delay
/// the next retry of the request. This can be used to sleep for a certain
/// duration, to wait for some external condition to be met before retrying,
/// or resolve right away, if the request should be retried immediately.
/// ## Mutating Requests
/// The policy MAY chose to mutate the `req`: if the request is mutated, the
/// mutated request will be sent to the inner service in the next retry.
/// This can be helpful for use cases like tracking the retry count in a
/// header.
/// ## Mutating Results
/// The policy MAY chose to mutate the result. This enables the retry
/// policy to convert a failure into a success and vice versa. For example,
/// if the policy is used to poll while waiting for a state change, the
/// policy can switch the result to emit a specific error when retries are
/// exhausted.
/// The policy can also record metadata on the request to include
/// information about the number of retries required or to record that a
/// failure failed after exhausting all retries.
/// [`Service::Response`]: crate::Service::Response
/// [`Service::Error`]: crate::Service::Error
fn retry(&mut self, req: &mut Req, result: &mut Result<Res, E>) -> Option<Self::Future>;
/// Tries to clone a request before being passed to the inner service.
/// If the request cannot be cloned, return [`None`]. Moreover, the retry
/// function will not be called if the [`None`] is returned.
fn clone_request(&mut self, req: &Req) -> Option<Req>;
// Ensure `Policy` is object safe
fn _obj_safe(_: Box<dyn Policy<(), (), (), Future = futures::future::Ready<()>>>) {}