
Struct Zoned

pub struct Zoned { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

A time zone aware instant in time.

A Zoned value can be thought of as the combination of following types, all rolled into one:

  • A Timestamp for indicating the precise instant in time.
  • A DateTime for indicating the “civil” calendar date and clock time.
  • A TimeZone for indicating how to apply time zone transitions while performing arithmetic.

In particular, a Zoned is specifically designed for dealing with datetimes in a time zone aware manner. Here are some highlights:

  • Arithmetic automatically adjusts for daylight saving time (DST), using the rules defined by RFC 5545.
  • Creating new Zoned values from other Zoned values via Zoned::with by changing clock time (e.g., 02:30) can do so without worrying that the time will be invalid due to DST transitions.
  • An approximate superset of the DateTime API is offered on Zoned, but where each of its operations take time zone into account when appropriate. For example, DateTime::start_of_day always returns a datetime set to midnight, but Zoned::start_of_day returns the first instant of a day, which might not be midnight if there is a time zone transition at midnight.
  • When using a Zoned, it is easy to switch between civil datetime (the day you see on the calendar and the time you see on the clock) and Unix time (a precise instant in time). Indeed, a Zoned can be losslessy converted to any other datetime type in this crate: Timestamp, DateTime, Date and Time.
  • A Zoned value can be losslessly serialized and deserialized, via serde, by adhering to RFC 8536. An example of a serialized zoned datetime is 2024-07-04T08:39:00-04:00[America/New_York].
  • Since a Zoned stores a TimeZone itself, multiple time zone aware operations can be chained together without repeatedly specifying the time zone.

§Parsing and printing

The Zoned type provides convenient trait implementations of std::str::FromStr and std::fmt::Display:

use jiff::Zoned;

let zdt: Zoned = "2024-06-19 15:22[America/New_York]".parse()?;
// Notice that the second component and the offset have both been added.
assert_eq!(zdt.to_string(), "2024-06-19T15:22:00-04:00[America/New_York]");

// While in the above case the datetime is unambiguous, in some cases, it
// can be ambiguous. In these cases, an offset is required to correctly
// roundtrip a zoned datetime. For example, on 2024-11-03 in New York, the
// 1 o'clock hour was repeated twice, corresponding to the end of daylight
// saving time.
// So because of the ambiguity, this time could be in offset -04 (the first
// time 1 o'clock is on the clock) or it could be -05 (the second time
// 1 o'clock is on the clock, corresponding to the end of DST).
// By default, parsing uses a "compatible" strategy for resolving all cases
// of ambiguity: in forward transitions (gaps), the later time is selected.
// And in backward transitions (folds), the earlier time is selected.
let zdt: Zoned = "2024-11-03 01:30[America/New_York]".parse()?;
// As we can see, since this was a fold, the earlier time was selected
// because the -04 offset is the first time 1 o'clock appears on the clock.
assert_eq!(zdt.to_string(), "2024-11-03T01:30:00-04:00[America/New_York]");
// But if we changed the offset and re-serialized, the only thing that
// changes is, indeed, the offset. This demonstrates that the offset is
// key to ensuring lossless serialization.
let zdt = zdt.with().offset(jiff::tz::offset(-5)).build()?;
assert_eq!(zdt.to_string(), "2024-11-03T01:30:00-05:00[America/New_York]");

A Zoned can also be parsed from just a time zone aware date (but the time zone annotation is still required). In this case, the time is set to midnight:

use jiff::Zoned;

let zdt: Zoned = "2024-06-19[America/New_York]".parse()?;
assert_eq!(zdt.to_string(), "2024-06-19T00:00:00-04:00[America/New_York]");
// ... although it isn't always midnight, in the case of a time zone
// transition at midnight!
let zdt: Zoned = "2015-10-18[America/Sao_Paulo]".parse()?;
assert_eq!(zdt.to_string(), "2015-10-18T01:00:00-02:00[America/Sao_Paulo]");

For more information on the specific format supported, see the fmt::temporal module documentation.

§Leap seconds

Jiff does not support leap seconds. Jiff behaves as if they don’t exist. The only exception is that if one parses a datetime with a second component of 60, then it is automatically constrained to 59:

use jiff::{civil::date, Zoned};

let zdt: Zoned = "2016-12-31 23:59:60[Australia/Tasmania]".parse()?;
assert_eq!(zdt.datetime(), date(2016, 12, 31).at(23, 59, 59, 0));


The Zoned type provides both Eq and Ord trait implementations to facilitate easy comparisons. When a zoned datetime zdt1 occurs before a zoned datetime zdt2, then zdt1 < zdt2. For example:

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt1 = date(2024, 3, 11).at(1, 25, 15, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let zdt2 = date(2025, 1, 31).at(0, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert!(zdt1 < zdt2);

Note that Zoned comparisons only consider the precise instant in time. The civil datetime or even the time zone are completely ignored. So it’s possible for a zoned datetime to be less than another even if it’s civil datetime is bigger:

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt1 = date(2024, 7, 4).at(12, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let zdt2 = date(2024, 7, 4).at(11, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/Los_Angeles")?;
assert!(zdt1 < zdt2);
// But if we only compare civil datetime, the result is flipped:
assert!(zdt1.datetime() > zdt2.datetime());

The same applies for equality as well. Two Zoned values are equal, even if they have different time zones, when the instant in time is identical:

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt1 = date(2024, 7, 4).at(12, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let zdt2 = date(2024, 7, 4).at(9, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/Los_Angeles")?;
assert_eq!(zdt1, zdt2);

(Note that this is diifferent from Temporal’s ZonedDateTime.equals comparison, which will take time zone into account for equality. This is because Eq and Ord trait implementations must be consistent in Rust. If you need Temporal’s behavior, then use zdt1 == zdt2 && zdt1.time_zone() == zdt2.time_zone().)


This type provides routines for adding and subtracting spans of time, as well as computing the span of time between two Zoned values. These operations take time zones into account.

For adding or subtracting spans of time, one can use any of the following routines:

Additionally, checked arithmetic is available via the Add and Sub trait implementations. When the result overflows, a panic occurs.

use jiff::{civil::date, ToSpan};

let start = date(2024, 2, 25).at(15, 45, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
// `Zoned` doesn't implement `Copy`, so we use `&start` instead of `start`.
let one_week_later = &start + 1.weeks();
assert_eq!(one_week_later.datetime(), date(2024, 3, 3).at(15, 45, 0, 0));

One can compute the span of time between two zoned datetimes using either Zoned::until or Zoned::since. It’s also possible to subtract two Zoned values directly via a Sub trait implementation:

use jiff::{civil::date, ToSpan};

let zdt1 = date(2024, 5, 3).at(23, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let zdt2 = date(2024, 2, 25).at(7, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(&zdt1 - &zdt2, 1647.hours().minutes(30).fieldwise());

The until and since APIs are polymorphic and allow re-balancing and rounding the span returned. For example, the default largest unit is hours (as exemplified above), but we can ask for bigger units:

use jiff::{civil::date, ToSpan, Unit};

let zdt1 = date(2024, 5, 3).at(23, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let zdt2 = date(2024, 2, 25).at(7, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
    zdt1.since((Unit::Year, &zdt2))?,

Or even round the span returned:

use jiff::{civil::date, RoundMode, ToSpan, Unit, ZonedDifference};

let zdt1 = date(2024, 5, 3).at(23, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let zdt2 = date(2024, 2, 25).at(7, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
// `ZonedDifference` uses truncation as a rounding mode by default,
// but you can set the rounding mode to break ties away from zero:
    // Rounds up to 8 days.


A Zoned can be rounded based on a ZonedRound configuration of smallest units, rounding increment and rounding mode. Here’s an example showing how to round to the nearest third hour:

use jiff::{civil::date, Unit, ZonedRound};

let zdt = date(2024, 6, 19)
    .at(16, 27, 29, 999_999_999)
    date(2024, 6, 19).at(15, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,
// Or alternatively, make use of the `From<(Unit, i64)> for ZonedRound`
// trait implementation:
    zdt.round((Unit::Hour, 3))?,
    date(2024, 6, 19).at(15, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

See Zoned::round for more details.



impl Zoned


pub fn now() -> Zoned

Returns the current system time in this system’s time zone.

If the system’s time zone could not be found, then TimeZone::UTC is used instead. When this happens, a WARN level log message will be emitted. (To see it, one will need to install a logger that is compatible with the log crate and enable Jiff’s logging Cargo feature.)

To create a Zoned value for the current time in a particular time zone other than the system default time zone, use Timestamp::now().to_zoned(time_zone). In particular, using Timestamp::now avoids the work required to fetch the system time zone if you did Zoned::now().with_time_zone(time_zone).


This panics if the system clock is set to a time value outside of the range -009999-01-01T00:00:00Z..=9999-12-31T11:59:59.999999999Z. The justification here is that it is reasonable to expect the system clock to be set to a somewhat sane, if imprecise, value.

If you want to get the current Unix time fallibly, use Zoned::try_from with a std::time::SystemTime as input.

This may also panic when SystemTime::now() itself panics. The most common context in which this happens is on the wasm32-unknown-unknown target. If you’re using that target in the context of the web (for example, via wasm-pack), and you’re an application, then you should enable Jiff’s js feature. This will automatically instruct Jiff in this very specific circumstance to execute JavaScript code to determine the current time from the web browser.

use jiff::{Timestamp, Zoned};

assert!(Zoned::now().timestamp() > Timestamp::UNIX_EPOCH);

pub fn new(timestamp: Timestamp, time_zone: TimeZone) -> Zoned

Creates a new Zoned value from a specific instant in a particular time zone. The time zone determines how to render the instant in time into civil time. (Also known as “clock,” “wall,” “local” or “naive” time.)

To create a new zoned datetime from another with a particular field value, use the methods on ZonedWith via Zoned::with.

§Construction from civil time

A Zoned value can also be created from a civil time via the following methods:

  • DateTime::in_tz does a Time Zone Database lookup given a time zone name string.
  • DateTime::to_zoned accepts a TimeZone.
  • Date::in_tz does a Time Zone Database lookup given a time zone name string and attempts to use midnight as the clock time.
  • Date::to_zoned accepts a TimeZone and attempts to use midnight as the clock time.

Whenever one is converting from civil time to a zoned datetime, it is possible for the civil time to be ambiguous. That is, it might be a clock reading that could refer to multiple possible instants in time, or it might be a clock reading that never exists. The above routines will use a Disambiguation::Compatible strategy to automatically resolve these corner cases.

If one wants to control how ambiguity is resolved (including by returning an error), use TimeZone::to_ambiguous_zoned and select the desired strategy via a method on AmbiguousZoned.

§Example: What was the civil time in Tasmania at the Unix epoch?
use jiff::{tz::TimeZone, Timestamp, Zoned};

let tz = TimeZone::get("Australia/Tasmania")?;
let zdt = Zoned::new(Timestamp::UNIX_EPOCH, tz);
§Example: What was the civil time in New York when World War 1 ended?
use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt1 = date(1918, 11, 11).at(11, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("Europe/Paris")?;
let zdt2 = zdt1.in_tz("America/New_York")?;

pub fn with(&self) -> ZonedWith

Create a builder for constructing a new DateTime from the fields of this datetime.

See the methods on ZonedWith for the different ways one can set the fields of a new Zoned.

Note that this doesn’t support changing the time zone. If you want a Zoned value of the same instant but in a different time zone, use Zoned::in_tz or Zoned::with_time_zone. If you want a Zoned value of the same civil datetime (assuming it isn’t ambiguous) but in a different time zone, then use Zoned::datetime followed by DateTime::in_tz or DateTime::to_zoned.


The builder ensures one can chain together the individual components of a zoned datetime without it failing at an intermediate step. For example, if you had a date of 2024-10-31T00:00:00[America/New_York] and wanted to change both the day and the month, and each setting was validated independent of the other, you would need to be careful to set the day first and then the month. In some cases, you would need to set the month first and then the day!

But with the builder, you can set values in any order:

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt1 = date(2024, 10, 31).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let zdt2 = zdt1.with().month(11).day(30).build()?;
    date(2024, 11, 30).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

let zdt1 = date(2024, 4, 30).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let zdt2 = zdt1.with().day(31).month(7).build()?;
    date(2024, 7, 31).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

pub fn with_time_zone(&self, time_zone: TimeZone) -> Zoned

Return a new zoned datetime with precisely the same instant in a different time zone.

The zoned datetime returned is guaranteed to have an equivalent Timestamp. However, its civil DateTime may be different.

§Example: What was the civil time in New York when World War 1 ended?
use jiff::{civil::date, tz::TimeZone};

let from = TimeZone::get("Europe/Paris")?;
let to = TimeZone::get("America/New_York")?;
let zdt1 = date(1918, 11, 11).at(11, 0, 0, 0).to_zoned(from)?;
// Switch zdt1 to a different time zone, but keeping the same instant
// in time. The civil time changes, but not the instant!
let zdt2 = zdt1.with_time_zone(to);

pub fn in_tz(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Zoned, Error>

Return a new zoned datetime with precisely the same instant in a different time zone.

The zoned datetime returned is guaranteed to have an equivalent Timestamp. However, its civil DateTime may be different.

The name given is resolved to a TimeZone by using the default TimeZoneDatabase created by tz::db. Indeed, this is a convenience function for DateTime::to_zoned where the time zone database lookup is done automatically.


This returns an error when the given time zone name could not be found in the default time zone database.

§Example: What was the civil time in New York when World War 1 ended?
use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt1 = date(1918, 11, 11).at(11, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("Europe/Paris")?;
// Switch zdt1 to a different time zone, but keeping the same instant
// in time. The civil time changes, but not the instant!
let zdt2 = zdt1.in_tz("America/New_York")?;

pub fn time_zone(&self) -> &TimeZone

Returns the time zone attached to this Zoned value.

A time zone is more than just an offset. A time zone is a series of rules for determining the civil time for a corresponding instant. Indeed, a zoned datetime uses its time zone to perform zone-aware arithmetic, rounding and serialization.

use jiff::Zoned;

let zdt: Zoned = "2024-07-03 14:31[america/new_york]".parse()?;
assert_eq!(zdt.time_zone().iana_name(), Some("America/New_York"));

pub fn year(&self) -> i16

Returns the year for this zoned datetime.

The value returned is guaranteed to be in the range -9999..=9999.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt1 = date(2024, 3, 9).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt1.year(), 2024);

let zdt2 = date(-2024, 3, 9).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt2.year(), -2024);

let zdt3 = date(0, 3, 9).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt3.year(), 0);

pub fn era_year(&self) -> (i16, Era)

Returns the year and its era.

This crate specifically allows years to be negative or 0, where as years written for the Gregorian calendar are always positive and greater than 0. In the Gregorian calendar, the era labels BCE and CE are used to disambiguate between years less than or equal to 0 and years greater than 0, respectively.

The crate is designed this way so that years in the latest era (that is, CE) are aligned with years in this crate.

The year returned is guaranteed to be in the range 1..=10000.

use jiff::civil::{Era, date};

let zdt = date(2024, 10, 3).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.era_year(), (2024, Era::CE));

let zdt = date(1, 10, 3).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.era_year(), (1, Era::CE));

let zdt = date(0, 10, 3).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.era_year(), (1, Era::BCE));

let zdt = date(-1, 10, 3).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.era_year(), (2, Era::BCE));

let zdt = date(-10, 10, 3).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.era_year(), (11, Era::BCE));

let zdt = date(-9_999, 10, 3).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.era_year(), (10_000, Era::BCE));

pub fn month(&self) -> i8

Returns the month for this zoned datetime.

The value returned is guaranteed to be in the range 1..=12.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2024, 3, 9).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.month(), 3);

pub fn day(&self) -> i8

Returns the day for this zoned datetime.

The value returned is guaranteed to be in the range 1..=31.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2024, 2, 29).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(, 29);

pub fn hour(&self) -> i8

Returns the “hour” component of this zoned datetime.

The value returned is guaranteed to be in the range 0..=23.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2000, 1, 2)
    .at(3, 4, 5, 123_456_789)
assert_eq!(zdt.hour(), 3);

pub fn minute(&self) -> i8

Returns the “minute” component of this zoned datetime.

The value returned is guaranteed to be in the range 0..=59.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2000, 1, 2)
    .at(3, 4, 5, 123_456_789)
assert_eq!(zdt.minute(), 4);

pub fn second(&self) -> i8

Returns the “second” component of this zoned datetime.

The value returned is guaranteed to be in the range 0..=59.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2000, 1, 2)
    .at(3, 4, 5, 123_456_789)
assert_eq!(zdt.second(), 5);

pub fn millisecond(&self) -> i16

Returns the “millisecond” component of this zoned datetime.

The value returned is guaranteed to be in the range 0..=999.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2000, 1, 2)
    .at(3, 4, 5, 123_456_789)
assert_eq!(zdt.millisecond(), 123);

pub fn microsecond(&self) -> i16

Returns the “microsecond” component of this zoned datetime.

The value returned is guaranteed to be in the range 0..=999.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2000, 1, 2)
    .at(3, 4, 5, 123_456_789)
assert_eq!(zdt.microsecond(), 456);

pub fn nanosecond(&self) -> i16

Returns the “nanosecond” component of this zoned datetime.

The value returned is guaranteed to be in the range 0..=999.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2000, 1, 2)
    .at(3, 4, 5, 123_456_789)
assert_eq!(zdt.nanosecond(), 789);

pub fn subsec_nanosecond(&self) -> i32

Returns the fractional nanosecond for this Zoned value.

If you want to set this value on Zoned, then use ZonedWith::subsec_nanosecond via Zoned::with.

The value returned is guaranteed to be in the range 0..=999_999_999.


This shows the relationship between constructing a Zoned value with routines like with().millisecond() and accessing the entire fractional part as a nanosecond:

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt1 = date(2000, 1, 2)
    .at(3, 4, 5, 123_456_789)
assert_eq!(zdt1.subsec_nanosecond(), 123_456_789);

let zdt2 = zdt1.with().millisecond(333).build()?;
assert_eq!(zdt2.subsec_nanosecond(), 333_456_789);
§Example: nanoseconds from a timestamp

This shows how the fractional nanosecond part of a Zoned value manifests from a specific timestamp.

use jiff::{civil, Timestamp};

// 1,234 nanoseconds after the Unix epoch.
let zdt = Timestamp::new(0, 1_234)?.in_tz("UTC")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.subsec_nanosecond(), 1_234);

// 1,234 nanoseconds before the Unix epoch.
let zdt = Timestamp::new(0, -1_234)?.in_tz("UTC")?;
// The nanosecond is equal to `1_000_000_000 - 1_234`.
assert_eq!(zdt.subsec_nanosecond(), 999998766);
// Looking at the other components of the time value might help.
assert_eq!(zdt.hour(), 23);
assert_eq!(zdt.minute(), 59);
assert_eq!(zdt.second(), 59);

pub fn weekday(&self) -> Weekday

Returns the weekday corresponding to this zoned datetime.

use jiff::civil::{Weekday, date};

// The Unix epoch was on a Thursday.
let zdt = date(1970, 1, 1).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.weekday(), Weekday::Thursday);
// One can also get the weekday as an offset in a variety of schemes.
assert_eq!(zdt.weekday().to_monday_zero_offset(), 3);
assert_eq!(zdt.weekday().to_monday_one_offset(), 4);
assert_eq!(zdt.weekday().to_sunday_zero_offset(), 4);
assert_eq!(zdt.weekday().to_sunday_one_offset(), 5);

pub fn day_of_year(&self) -> i16

Returns the ordinal day of the year that this zoned datetime resides in.

For leap years, this always returns a value in the range 1..=366. Otherwise, the value is in the range 1..=365.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2006, 8, 24).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.day_of_year(), 236);

let zdt = date(2023, 12, 31).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.day_of_year(), 365);

let zdt = date(2024, 12, 31).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.day_of_year(), 366);

pub fn day_of_year_no_leap(&self) -> Option<i16>

Returns the ordinal day of the year that this zoned datetime resides in, but ignores leap years.

That is, the range of possible values returned by this routine is 1..=365, even if this date resides in a leap year. If this date is February 29, then this routine returns None.

The value 365 always corresponds to the last day in the year, December 31, even for leap years.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2006, 8, 24).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.day_of_year_no_leap(), Some(236));

let zdt = date(2023, 12, 31).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.day_of_year_no_leap(), Some(365));

let zdt = date(2024, 12, 31).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.day_of_year_no_leap(), Some(365));

let zdt = date(2024, 2, 29).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.day_of_year_no_leap(), None);

pub fn start_of_day(&self) -> Result<Zoned, Error>

Returns the beginning of the day, corresponding to 00:00:00 civil time, that this datetime resides in.

While in nearly all cases the time returned will be 00:00:00, it is possible for the time to be different from midnight if there is a time zone transition at midnight.

use jiff::{civil::date, Zoned};

let zdt = date(2015, 10, 18).at(12, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
§Example: start of day may not be midnight

In some time zones, gap transitions may begin at midnight. This implies that 00:xx:yy does not exist on a clock in that time zone for that day.

use jiff::{civil::date, Zoned};

let zdt = date(2015, 10, 18).at(12, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/Sao_Paulo")?;
    // not midnight!
§Example: error because of overflow

In some cases, it’s possible for Zoned value to be able to represent an instant in time later in the day for a particular time zone, but not earlier in the day. This can only occur near the minimum datetime value supported by Jiff.

use jiff::{civil::date, tz::{TimeZone, Offset}, Zoned};

// While -9999-01-03T04:00:00+25:59:59 is representable as a Zoned
// value, the start of the corresponding day is not!
let tz = TimeZone::fixed(Offset::MAX);
let zdt = date(-9999, 1, 3).at(4, 0, 0, 0).to_zoned(tz.clone())?;
// The next day works fine since -9999-01-04T00:00:00+25:59:59 is
// representable.
let zdt = date(-9999, 1, 4).at(15, 0, 0, 0).to_zoned(tz)?;
    date(-9999, 1, 4).at(0, 0, 0, 0),

pub fn end_of_day(&self) -> Result<Zoned, Error>

Returns the end of the day, corresponding to 23:59:59.999999999 civil time, that this datetime resides in.

While in nearly all cases the time returned will be 23:59:59.999999999, it is possible for the time to be different if there is a time zone transition covering that time.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2024, 7, 3)
    .at(7, 30, 10, 123_456_789)
    date(2024, 7, 3)
        .at(23, 59, 59, 999_999_999)
§Example: error because of overflow

In some cases, it’s possible for Zoned value to be able to represent an instant in time earlier in the day for a particular time zone, but not later in the day. This can only occur near the maximum datetime value supported by Jiff.

use jiff::{civil::date, tz::{TimeZone, Offset}, Zoned};

// While 9999-12-30T01:30-04 is representable as a Zoned
// value, the start of the corresponding day is not!
let tz = TimeZone::get("America/New_York")?;
let zdt = date(9999, 12, 30).at(1, 30, 0, 0).to_zoned(tz.clone())?;
// The previous day works fine since 9999-12-29T23:59:59.999999999-04
// is representable.
let zdt = date(9999, 12, 29).at(1, 30, 0, 0).to_zoned(tz.clone())?;
    date(9999, 12, 29)
        .at(23, 59, 59, 999_999_999)

pub fn first_of_month(&self) -> Result<Zoned, Error>

Returns the first date of the month that this zoned datetime resides in.

In most cases, the time in the zoned datetime returned remains unchanged. In some cases, the time may change if the time on the previous date was unambiguous (always true, since a Zoned is a precise instant in time) and the same clock time on the returned zoned datetime is ambiguous. In this case, the Disambiguation::Compatible strategy will be used to turn it into a precise instant. If you want to use a different disambiguation strategy, then use Zoned::datetime to get the civil datetime, then use DateTime::first_of_month, then use TimeZone::to_ambiguous_zoned and apply your preferred disambiguation strategy.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2024, 2, 29).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
    date(2024, 2, 1).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

pub fn last_of_month(&self) -> Result<Zoned, Error>

Returns the last date of the month that this zoned datetime resides in.

In most cases, the time in the zoned datetime returned remains unchanged. In some cases, the time may change if the time on the previous date was unambiguous (always true, since a Zoned is a precise instant in time) and the same clock time on the returned zoned datetime is ambiguous. In this case, the Disambiguation::Compatible strategy will be used to turn it into a precise instant. If you want to use a different disambiguation strategy, then use Zoned::datetime to get the civil datetime, then use DateTime::last_of_month, then use TimeZone::to_ambiguous_zoned and apply your preferred disambiguation strategy.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2024, 2, 5).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
    date(2024, 2, 29).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

pub fn days_in_month(&self) -> i8

Returns the ordinal number of the last day in the month in which this zoned datetime resides.

This is phrased as “the ordinal number of the last day” instead of “the number of days” because some months may be missing days due to time zone transitions. However, this is extraordinarily rare.

This is guaranteed to always return one of the following values, depending on the year and the month: 28, 29, 30 or 31.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2024, 2, 10).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.days_in_month(), 29);

let zdt = date(2023, 2, 10).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.days_in_month(), 28);

let zdt = date(2024, 8, 15).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.days_in_month(), 31);
§Example: count of days in month

In Pacific/Apia, December 2011 did not have a December 30. Instead, the calendar skipped from December 29 right to December 31.

If you really do need the count of days in a month in a time zone aware fashion, then it’s possible to achieve through arithmetic:

use jiff::{civil::date, RoundMode, ToSpan, Unit, ZonedDifference};

let first_of_month = date(2011, 12, 1).in_tz("Pacific/Apia")?;
assert_eq!(first_of_month.days_in_month(), 31);
let one_month_later = first_of_month.checked_add(1.month())?;

let options = ZonedDifference::new(&one_month_later)
let span = first_of_month.until(options)?;
let days = ((span.get_hours() as f64) / 24.0).round() as i64;
// Try the above in a different time zone, like America/New_York, and
// you'll get 31 here.
assert_eq!(days, 30);

pub fn first_of_year(&self) -> Result<Zoned, Error>

Returns the first date of the year that this zoned datetime resides in.

In most cases, the time in the zoned datetime returned remains unchanged. In some cases, the time may change if the time on the previous date was unambiguous (always true, since a Zoned is a precise instant in time) and the same clock time on the returned zoned datetime is ambiguous. In this case, the Disambiguation::Compatible strategy will be used to turn it into a precise instant. If you want to use a different disambiguation strategy, then use Zoned::datetime to get the civil datetime, then use DateTime::first_of_year, then use TimeZone::to_ambiguous_zoned and apply your preferred disambiguation strategy.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2024, 2, 29).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
    date(2024, 1, 1).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

pub fn last_of_year(&self) -> Result<Zoned, Error>

Returns the last date of the year that this zoned datetime resides in.

In most cases, the time in the zoned datetime returned remains unchanged. In some cases, the time may change if the time on the previous date was unambiguous (always true, since a Zoned is a precise instant in time) and the same clock time on the returned zoned datetime is ambiguous. In this case, the Disambiguation::Compatible strategy will be used to turn it into a precise instant. If you want to use a different disambiguation strategy, then use Zoned::datetime to get the civil datetime, then use DateTime::last_of_year, then use TimeZone::to_ambiguous_zoned and apply your preferred disambiguation strategy.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2024, 2, 5).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
    date(2024, 12, 31).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

pub fn days_in_year(&self) -> i16

Returns the ordinal number of the last day in the year in which this zoned datetime resides.

This is phrased as “the ordinal number of the last day” instead of “the number of days” because some years may be missing days due to time zone transitions. However, this is extraordinarily rare.

This is guaranteed to always return either 365 or 366.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2024, 7, 10).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.days_in_year(), 366);

let zdt = date(2023, 7, 10).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.days_in_year(), 365);

pub fn in_leap_year(&self) -> bool

Returns true if and only if the year in which this zoned datetime resides is a leap year.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2024, 1, 1).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;

let zdt = date(2023, 12, 31).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;

pub fn tomorrow(&self) -> Result<Zoned, Error>

Returns the zoned datetime with a date immediately following this one.

In most cases, the time in the zoned datetime returned remains unchanged. In some cases, the time may change if the time on the previous date was unambiguous (always true, since a Zoned is a precise instant in time) and the same clock time on the returned zoned datetime is ambiguous. In this case, the Disambiguation::Compatible strategy will be used to turn it into a precise instant. If you want to use a different disambiguation strategy, then use Zoned::datetime to get the civil datetime, then use DateTime::tomorrow, then use TimeZone::to_ambiguous_zoned and apply your preferred disambiguation strategy.


This returns an error when one day following this zoned datetime would exceed the maximum Zoned value.

use jiff::{civil::date, Timestamp};

let zdt = date(2024, 2, 28).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
    date(2024, 2, 29).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

// The max doesn't have a tomorrow.
§Example: ambiguous datetimes are automatically resolved
use jiff::{civil::date, Timestamp};

let zdt = date(2024, 3, 9).at(2, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
    date(2024, 3, 10).at(3, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

pub fn yesterday(&self) -> Result<Zoned, Error>

Returns the zoned datetime with a date immediately preceding this one.

In most cases, the time in the zoned datetime returned remains unchanged. In some cases, the time may change if the time on the previous date was unambiguous (always true, since a Zoned is a precise instant in time) and the same clock time on the returned zoned datetime is ambiguous. In this case, the Disambiguation::Compatible strategy will be used to turn it into a precise instant. If you want to use a different disambiguation strategy, then use Zoned::datetime to get the civil datetime, then use DateTime::yesterday, then use TimeZone::to_ambiguous_zoned and apply your preferred disambiguation strategy.


This returns an error when one day preceding this zoned datetime would be less than the minimum Zoned value.

use jiff::{civil::date, Timestamp};

let zdt = date(2024, 3, 1).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
    date(2024, 2, 29).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

// The min doesn't have a yesterday.
§Example: ambiguous datetimes are automatically resolved
use jiff::{civil::date, Timestamp};

let zdt = date(2024, 11, 4).at(1, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
    // Consistent with the "compatible" disambiguation strategy, the
    // "first" 1 o'clock hour is selected. You can tell this because
    // the offset is -04, which corresponds to DST time in New York.
    // The second 1 o'clock hour would have offset -05.

pub fn nth_weekday_of_month( &self, nth: i8, weekday: Weekday, ) -> Result<Zoned, Error>

Returns the “nth” weekday from the beginning or end of the month in which this zoned datetime resides.

The nth parameter can be positive or negative. A positive value computes the “nth” weekday from the beginning of the month. A negative value computes the “nth” weekday from the end of the month. So for example, use -1 to “find the last weekday” in this date’s month.

In most cases, the time in the zoned datetime returned remains unchanged. In some cases, the time may change if the time on the previous date was unambiguous (always true, since a Zoned is a precise instant in time) and the same clock time on the returned zoned datetime is ambiguous. In this case, the Disambiguation::Compatible strategy will be used to turn it into a precise instant. If you want to use a different disambiguation strategy, then use Zoned::datetime to get the civil datetime, then use DateTime::nth_weekday_of_month, then use TimeZone::to_ambiguous_zoned and apply your preferred disambiguation strategy.


This returns an error when nth is 0, or if it is 5 or -5 and there is no 5th weekday from the beginning or end of the month. This could also return an error if the corresponding datetime could not be represented as an instant for this Zoned’s time zone. (This can only happen close the boundaries of an Timestamp.)


This shows how to get the nth weekday in a month, starting from the beginning of the month:

use jiff::civil::{Weekday, date};

let zdt = date(2017, 3, 1).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let second_friday = zdt.nth_weekday_of_month(2, Weekday::Friday)?;
    date(2017, 3, 10).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

This shows how to do the reverse of the above. That is, the nth last weekday in a month:

use jiff::civil::{Weekday, date};

let zdt = date(2024, 3, 1).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let last_thursday = zdt.nth_weekday_of_month(-1, Weekday::Thursday)?;
    date(2024, 3, 28).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

let second_last_thursday = zdt.nth_weekday_of_month(
    date(2024, 3, 21).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

This routine can return an error if there isn’t an nth weekday for this month. For example, March 2024 only has 4 Mondays:

use jiff::civil::{Weekday, date};

let zdt = date(2024, 3, 25).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let fourth_monday = zdt.nth_weekday_of_month(4, Weekday::Monday)?;
    date(2024, 3, 25).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,
// There is no 5th Monday.
assert!(zdt.nth_weekday_of_month(5, Weekday::Monday).is_err());
// Same goes for counting backwards.
assert!(zdt.nth_weekday_of_month(-5, Weekday::Monday).is_err());

pub fn nth_weekday(&self, nth: i32, weekday: Weekday) -> Result<Zoned, Error>

Returns the “nth” weekday from this zoned datetime, not including itself.

The nth parameter can be positive or negative. A positive value computes the “nth” weekday starting at the day after this date and going forwards in time. A negative value computes the “nth” weekday starting at the day before this date and going backwards in time.

For example, if this zoned datetime’s weekday is a Sunday and the first Sunday is asked for (that is, zdt.nth_weekday(1, Weekday::Sunday)), then the result is a week from this zoned datetime corresponding to the following Sunday.

In most cases, the time in the zoned datetime returned remains unchanged. In some cases, the time may change if the time on the previous date was unambiguous (always true, since a Zoned is a precise instant in time) and the same clock time on the returned zoned datetime is ambiguous. In this case, the Disambiguation::Compatible strategy will be used to turn it into a precise instant. If you want to use a different disambiguation strategy, then use Zoned::datetime to get the civil datetime, then use DateTime::nth_weekday, then use TimeZone::to_ambiguous_zoned and apply your preferred disambiguation strategy.


This returns an error when nth is 0, or if it would otherwise result in a date that overflows the minimum/maximum values of Zoned.


This example shows how to find the “nth” weekday going forwards in time:

use jiff::civil::{Weekday, date};

// Use a Sunday in March as our start date.
let zdt = date(2024, 3, 10).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.weekday(), Weekday::Sunday);

// The first next Monday is tomorrow!
let next_monday = zdt.nth_weekday(1, Weekday::Monday)?;
    date(2024, 3, 11).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

// But the next Sunday is a week away, because this doesn't
// include the current weekday.
let next_sunday = zdt.nth_weekday(1, Weekday::Sunday)?;
    date(2024, 3, 17).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

// "not this Thursday, but next Thursday"
let next_next_thursday = zdt.nth_weekday(2, Weekday::Thursday)?;
    date(2024, 3, 21).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

This example shows how to find the “nth” weekday going backwards in time:

use jiff::civil::{Weekday, date};

// Use a Sunday in March as our start date.
let zdt = date(2024, 3, 10).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.weekday(), Weekday::Sunday);

// "last Saturday" was yesterday!
let last_saturday = zdt.nth_weekday(-1, Weekday::Saturday)?;
    date(2024, 3, 9).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

// "last Sunday" was a week ago.
let last_sunday = zdt.nth_weekday(-1, Weekday::Sunday)?;
    date(2024, 3, 3).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

// "not last Thursday, but the one before"
let prev_prev_thursday = zdt.nth_weekday(-2, Weekday::Thursday)?;
    date(2024, 2, 29).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

This example shows that overflow results in an error in either direction:

use jiff::{civil::Weekday, Timestamp};

let zdt = Timestamp::MAX.in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.weekday(), Weekday::Thursday);
assert!(zdt.nth_weekday(1, Weekday::Saturday).is_err());

let zdt = Timestamp::MIN.in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.weekday(), Weekday::Monday);
assert!(zdt.nth_weekday(-1, Weekday::Sunday).is_err());
§Example: getting the start of the week

Given a date, one can use nth_weekday to determine the start of the week in which the date resides in. This might vary based on whether the weeks start on Sunday or Monday. This example shows how to handle both.

use jiff::civil::{Weekday, date};

let zdt = date(2024, 3, 15).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
// For weeks starting with Sunday.
let start_of_week = zdt.tomorrow()?.nth_weekday(-1, Weekday::Sunday)?;
    date(2024, 3, 10).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,
// For weeks starting with Monday.
let start_of_week = zdt.tomorrow()?.nth_weekday(-1, Weekday::Monday)?;
    date(2024, 3, 11).at(7, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

In the above example, we first get the date after the current one because nth_weekday does not consider itself when counting. This works as expected even at the boundaries of a week:

use jiff::civil::{Time, Weekday, date};

// The start of the week.
let zdt = date(2024, 3, 10).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let start_of_week = zdt.tomorrow()?.nth_weekday(-1, Weekday::Sunday)?;
    date(2024, 3, 10).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,
// The end of the week.
let zdt = date(2024, 3, 16)
    .at(23, 59, 59, 999_999_999)
let start_of_week = zdt
    .nth_weekday(-1, Weekday::Sunday)?
    date(2024, 3, 10).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

pub fn timestamp(&self) -> Timestamp

Returns the precise instant in time referred to by this zoned datetime.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2024, 3, 14).at(18, 45, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.timestamp().as_second(), 1_710_456_300);

pub fn datetime(&self) -> DateTime

Returns the civil datetime component of this zoned datetime.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2024, 3, 14).at(18, 45, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.datetime(), date(2024, 3, 14).at(18, 45, 0, 0));

pub fn date(&self) -> Date

Returns the civil date component of this zoned datetime.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2024, 3, 14).at(18, 45, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(, date(2024, 3, 14));

pub fn time(&self) -> Time

Returns the civil time component of this zoned datetime.

use jiff::civil::{date, time};

let zdt = date(2024, 3, 14).at(18, 45, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.time(), time(18, 45, 0, 0));

pub fn iso_week_date(self) -> ISOWeekDate

Construct a civil ISO 8601 week date from this zoned datetime.

The ISOWeekDate type describes itself in more detail, but in brief, the ISO week date calendar system eschews months in favor of weeks.

This routine is equivalent to ISOWeekDate::from_date(


This shows a number of examples demonstrating the conversion from a Gregorian date to an ISO 8601 week date:

use jiff::civil::{Date, Time, Weekday, date};

let zdt = date(1995, 1, 1).at(18, 45, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?;
let weekdate = zdt.iso_week_date();
assert_eq!(weekdate.year(), 1994);
assert_eq!(weekdate.week(), 52);
assert_eq!(weekdate.weekday(), Weekday::Sunday);

let zdt = date(1996, 12, 31).at(18, 45, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?;
let weekdate = zdt.iso_week_date();
assert_eq!(weekdate.year(), 1997);
assert_eq!(weekdate.week(), 1);
assert_eq!(weekdate.weekday(), Weekday::Tuesday);

let zdt = date(2019, 12, 30).at(18, 45, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?;
let weekdate = zdt.iso_week_date();
assert_eq!(weekdate.year(), 2020);
assert_eq!(weekdate.week(), 1);
assert_eq!(weekdate.weekday(), Weekday::Monday);

let zdt = date(2024, 3, 9).at(18, 45, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?;
let weekdate = zdt.iso_week_date();
assert_eq!(weekdate.year(), 2024);
assert_eq!(weekdate.week(), 10);
assert_eq!(weekdate.weekday(), Weekday::Saturday);

pub fn offset(&self) -> Offset

Returns the time zone offset of this zoned datetime.

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2024, 2, 14).at(18, 45, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
// -05 because New York is in "standard" time at this point.
assert_eq!(zdt.offset(), jiff::tz::offset(-5));

let zdt = date(2024, 7, 14).at(18, 45, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
// But we get -04 once "summer" or "daylight saving time" starts.
assert_eq!(zdt.offset(), jiff::tz::offset(-4));

pub fn checked_add<A>(&self, duration: A) -> Result<Zoned, Error>

Add the given span of time to this zoned datetime. If the sum would overflow the minimum or maximum zoned datetime values, then an error is returned.

This operation accepts three different duration types: Span, SignedDuration or std::time::Duration. This is achieved via From trait implementations for the ZonedArithmetic type.


This routine is not reversible because some additions may be ambiguous. For example, adding 1 month to the zoned datetime 2024-03-31T00:00:00[America/New_York] will produce 2024-04-30T00:00:00[America/New_York] since April has only 30 days in a month. Moreover, subtracting 1 month from 2024-04-30T00:00:00[America/New_York] will produce 2024-03-30T00:00:00[America/New_York], which is not the date we started with.

A similar argument applies for days, since with zoned datetimes, different days can be different lengths.

If spans of time are limited to units of hours (or less), then this routine is reversible. This also implies that all operations with a SignedDuration or a std::time::Duration are reversible.


If the span added to this zoned datetime would result in a zoned datetime that exceeds the range of a Zoned, then this will return an error.


This shows a few examples of adding spans of time to various zoned datetimes. We make use of the ToSpan trait for convenient creation of spans.

use jiff::{civil::date, ToSpan};

let zdt = date(1995, 12, 7)
    .at(3, 24, 30, 3_500)
let got = zdt.checked_add(20.years().months(4).nanoseconds(500))?;
    date(2016, 4, 7).at(3, 24, 30, 4_000).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

let zdt = date(2019, 1, 31).at(15, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let got = zdt.checked_add(1.months())?;
    date(2019, 2, 28).at(15, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,
§Example: available via addition operator

This routine can be used via the + operator. Note though that if it fails, it will result in a panic. Note that we use &zdt + ... instead of zdt + ... since Add is implemented for &Zoned and not Zoned. This is because Zoned is not Copy.

use jiff::{civil::date, ToSpan};

let zdt = date(1995, 12, 7)
    .at(3, 24, 30, 3_500)
let got = &zdt + 20.years().months(4).nanoseconds(500);
    date(2016, 4, 7).at(3, 24, 30, 4_000).in_tz("America/New_York")?,
§Example: zone aware arithmetic

This example demonstrates the difference between “add 1 day” and “add 24 hours.” In the former case, 1 day might not correspond to 24 hours if there is a time zone transition in the intervening period. However, adding 24 hours always means adding exactly 24 hours.

use jiff::{civil::date, ToSpan};

let zdt = date(2024, 3, 10).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;

let one_day_later = zdt.checked_add(;

let twenty_four_hours_later = zdt.checked_add(24.hours())?;
§Example: automatic disambiguation

This example demonstrates what happens when adding a span of time results in an ambiguous zoned datetime. Zone aware arithmetic uses automatic disambiguation corresponding to the Disambiguation::Compatible strategy for resolving an ambiguous datetime to a precise instant. For example, in the case below, there is a gap in the clocks for 1 hour starting at 2024-03-10 02:00:00 in America/New_York. The “compatible” strategy chooses the later time in a gap:.

use jiff::{civil::date, ToSpan};

let zdt = date(2024, 3, 9).at(2, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let one_day_later = zdt.checked_add(;

And this example demonstrates the “compatible” strategy when arithmetic results in an ambiguous datetime in a fold. In this case, we make use of the fact that the 1 o’clock hour was repeated on 2024-11-03.

use jiff::{civil::date, ToSpan};

let zdt = date(2024, 11, 2).at(1, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let one_day_later = zdt.checked_add(;
    // This corresponds to the first iteration of the 1 o'clock hour,
    // i.e., when DST is still in effect. It's the earlier time.
§Example: negative spans are supported
use jiff::{civil::date, ToSpan};

let zdt = date(2024, 3, 31)
    .at(19, 5, 59, 999_999_999)
    date(2024, 2, 29).
        at(19, 5, 59, 999_999_999)
§Example: error on overflow
use jiff::{civil::date, ToSpan};

let zdt = date(2024, 3, 31).at(13, 13, 13, 13).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
§Example: adding absolute durations

This shows how to add signed and unsigned absolute durations to a Zoned.

use std::time::Duration;

use jiff::{civil::date, SignedDuration};

let zdt = date(2024, 2, 29).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?;

let dur = SignedDuration::from_hours(25);
    date(2024, 3, 1).at(1, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?,
    date(2024, 2, 27).at(23, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?,

let dur = Duration::from_secs(25 * 60 * 60);
    date(2024, 3, 1).at(1, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?,
// One cannot negate an unsigned duration,
// but you can subtract it!
    date(2024, 2, 27).at(23, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?,

pub fn checked_sub<A>(&self, duration: A) -> Result<Zoned, Error>

This routine is identical to Zoned::checked_add with the duration negated.


This has the same error conditions as Zoned::checked_add.


This routine can be used via the - operator. Note though that if it fails, it will result in a panic. Note that we use &zdt - ... instead of zdt - ... since Sub is implemented for &Zoned and not Zoned. This is because Zoned is not Copy.

use std::time::Duration;

use jiff::{civil::date, SignedDuration, ToSpan};

let zdt = date(1995, 12, 7)
    .at(3, 24, 30, 3_500)
let got = &zdt - 20.years().months(4).nanoseconds(500);
    date(1975, 8, 7).at(3, 24, 30, 3_000).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

let dur = SignedDuration::new(24 * 60 * 60, 500);
    &zdt - dur,
    date(1995, 12, 6).at(3, 24, 30, 3_000).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

let dur = Duration::new(24 * 60 * 60, 500);
    &zdt - dur,
    date(1995, 12, 6).at(3, 24, 30, 3_000).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

pub fn saturating_add<A>(&self, duration: A) -> Zoned

This routine is identical to Zoned::checked_add, except the result saturates on overflow. That is, instead of overflow, either Timestamp::MIN or Timestamp::MAX (in this Zoned value’s time zone) is returned.


The properties of this routine are identical to Zoned::checked_add, except that if saturation occurs, then the result is not reversible.

use jiff::{civil::date, SignedDuration, Timestamp, ToSpan};

let zdt = date(2024, 3, 31).at(13, 13, 13, 13).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(Timestamp::MAX, zdt.saturating_add(9000.years()).timestamp());
assert_eq!(Timestamp::MIN, zdt.saturating_add(-19000.years()).timestamp());
assert_eq!(Timestamp::MAX, zdt.saturating_add(SignedDuration::MAX).timestamp());
assert_eq!(Timestamp::MIN, zdt.saturating_add(SignedDuration::MIN).timestamp());
assert_eq!(Timestamp::MAX, zdt.saturating_add(std::time::Duration::MAX).timestamp());

pub fn saturating_sub<A>(&self, duration: A) -> Zoned

This routine is identical to Zoned::saturating_add with the span parameter negated.

use jiff::{civil::date, SignedDuration, Timestamp, ToSpan};

let zdt = date(2024, 3, 31).at(13, 13, 13, 13).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(Timestamp::MIN, zdt.saturating_sub(19000.years()).timestamp());
assert_eq!(Timestamp::MAX, zdt.saturating_sub(-9000.years()).timestamp());
assert_eq!(Timestamp::MIN, zdt.saturating_sub(SignedDuration::MAX).timestamp());
assert_eq!(Timestamp::MAX, zdt.saturating_sub(SignedDuration::MIN).timestamp());
assert_eq!(Timestamp::MIN, zdt.saturating_sub(std::time::Duration::MAX).timestamp());

pub fn until<'a, A>(&self, other: A) -> Result<Span, Error>
where A: Into<ZonedDifference<'a>>,

Returns a span representing the elapsed time from this zoned datetime until the given other zoned datetime.

When other occurs before this datetime, then the span returned will be negative.

Depending on the input provided, the span returned is rounded. It may also be balanced up to bigger units than the default. By default, the span returned is balanced such that the biggest possible unit is hours.

This operation is configured by providing a ZonedDifference value. Since this routine accepts anything that implements Into<ZonedDifference>, once can pass a &Zoned directly. One can also pass a (Unit, &Zoned), where Unit is treated as ZonedDifference::largest.


It is guaranteed that if the returned span is subtracted from other, and if no rounding is requested, and if the largest unit requested is at most Unit::Hour, then the original zoned datetime will be returned.

This routine is equivalent to self.since(other).map(|span| -span) if no rounding options are set. If rounding options are set, then it’s equivalent to self.since(other_without_rounding_options).map(|span| -span), followed by a call to Span::round with the appropriate rounding options set. This is because the negation of a span can result in different rounding results depending on the rounding mode.


An error can occur in some cases when the requested configuration would result in a span that is beyond allowable limits. For example, the nanosecond component of a span cannot represent the span of time between the minimum and maximum zoned datetime supported by Jiff. Therefore, if one requests a span with its largest unit set to Unit::Nanosecond, then it’s possible for this routine to fail.

An error can also occur if ZonedDifference is misconfigured. For example, if the smallest unit provided is bigger than the largest unit.

An error can also occur if units greater than Unit::Hour are requested and if the time zones in the provided zoned datetimes are distinct. (See TimeZone’s section on equality for details on how equality is determined.) This error occurs because the length of a day may vary depending on the time zone. To work around this restriction, convert one or both of the zoned datetimes into the same time zone.

It is guaranteed that if one provides a datetime with the default ZonedDifference configuration, then this routine will never fail.

use jiff::{civil::date, ToSpan};

let earlier = date(2006, 8, 24).at(22, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let later = date(2019, 1, 31).at(21, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;

// Flipping the dates is fine, but you'll get a negative span.
§Example: using bigger units

This example shows how to expand the span returned to bigger units. This makes use of a From<(Unit, &Zoned)> for ZonedDifference trait implementation.

use jiff::{civil::date, Unit, ToSpan};

let zdt1 = date(1995, 12, 07).at(3, 24, 30, 3500).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let zdt2 = date(2019, 01, 31).at(15, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;

// The default limits durations to using "hours" as the biggest unit.
let span = zdt1.until(&zdt2)?;
assert_eq!(span.to_string(), "PT202956H5M29.9999965S");

// But we can ask for units all the way up to years.
let span = zdt1.until((Unit::Year, &zdt2))?;
assert_eq!(format!("{span:#}"), "23y 1mo 24d 12h 5m 29s 999ms 996µs 500ns");
§Example: rounding the result

This shows how one might find the difference between two zoned datetimes and have the result rounded such that sub-seconds are removed.

In this case, we need to hand-construct a ZonedDifference in order to gain full configurability.

use jiff::{civil::date, Unit, ToSpan, ZonedDifference};

let zdt1 = date(1995, 12, 07).at(3, 24, 30, 3500).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let zdt2 = date(2019, 01, 31).at(15, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;

let span = zdt1.until(
assert_eq!(format!("{span:#}"), "202956h 5m 29s");

// We can combine smallest and largest units too!
let span = zdt1.until(
assert_eq!(span.to_string(), "P23Y1M24DT12H5M29S");
§Example: units biggers than days inhibit reversibility

If you ask for units bigger than hours, then adding the span returned to the other zoned datetime is not guaranteed to result in the original zoned datetime. For example:

use jiff::{civil::date, Unit, ToSpan};

let zdt1 = date(2024, 3, 2).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let zdt2 = date(2024, 5, 1).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;

let span = zdt1.until((Unit::Month, &zdt2))?;
assert_eq!(span, 1.month().days(29).fieldwise());
let maybe_original = zdt2.checked_sub(span)?;
// Not the same as the original datetime!
    date(2024, 3, 3).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

// But in the default configuration, hours are always the biggest unit
// and reversibility is guaranteed.
let span = zdt1.until(&zdt2)?;
assert_eq!(span.to_string(), "PT1439H");
let is_original = zdt2.checked_sub(span)?;
assert_eq!(is_original, zdt1);

This occurs because spans are added as if by adding the biggest units first, and then the smaller units. Because months vary in length, their meaning can change depending on how the span is added. In this case, adding one month to 2024-03-02 corresponds to 31 days, but subtracting one month from 2024-05-01 corresponds to 30 days.


pub fn since<'a, A>(&self, other: A) -> Result<Span, Error>
where A: Into<ZonedDifference<'a>>,

This routine is identical to Zoned::until, but the order of the parameters is flipped.


This has the same error conditions as Zoned::until.


This routine can be used via the - operator. Since the default configuration is used and because a Span can represent the difference between any two possible zoned datetimes, it will never panic. Note that we use &zdt1 - &zdt2 instead of zdt1 - zdt2 since Sub is implemented for &Zoned and not Zoned. This is because Zoned is not Copy.

use jiff::{civil::date, ToSpan};

let earlier = date(2006, 8, 24).at(22, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let later = date(2019, 1, 31).at(21, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(&later - &earlier, 109_031.hours().minutes(30).fieldwise());

pub fn duration_until(&self, other: &Zoned) -> SignedDuration

Returns an absolute duration representing the elapsed time from this zoned datetime until the given other zoned datetime.

When other occurs before this zoned datetime, then the duration returned will be negative.

Unlike Zoned::until, this always returns a duration corresponding to a 96-bit integer of nanoseconds between two zoned datetimes.


This routine never panics or returns an error. Since there are no configuration options that can be incorrectly provided, no error is possible when calling this routine. In contrast, Zoned::until can return an error in some cases due to misconfiguration. But like this routine, Zoned::until never panics or returns an error in its default configuration.

§When should I use this versus Zoned::until?

See the type documentation for SignedDuration for the section on when one should use Span and when one should use SignedDuration. In short, use Span (and therefore Timestamp::until) unless you have a specific reason to do otherwise.

use jiff::{civil::date, SignedDuration};

let earlier = date(2006, 8, 24).at(22, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?;
let later = date(2019, 1, 31).at(21, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?;
    SignedDuration::from_hours(109_031) + SignedDuration::from_mins(30),

// Flipping the dates is fine, but you'll get a negative span.
    -SignedDuration::from_hours(109_031) + -SignedDuration::from_mins(30),
§Example: difference with Zoned::until

The main difference between this routine and Zoned::until is that the latter can return units other than a 96-bit integer of nanoseconds. While a 96-bit integer of nanoseconds can be converted into other units like hours, this can only be done for uniform units. (Uniform units are units for which each individual unit always corresponds to the same elapsed time regardless of the datetime it is relative to.) This can’t be done for units like years, months or days.

use jiff::{civil::date, SignedDuration, Span, SpanRound, ToSpan, Unit};

let zdt1 = date(2024, 3, 10).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?;
let zdt2 = date(2024, 3, 11).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?;

let span = zdt1.until((Unit::Day, &zdt2))?;
assert_eq!(format!("{span:#}"), "1d");

let duration = zdt1.duration_until(&zdt2);
// This day was only 23 hours long!
assert_eq!(duration, SignedDuration::from_hours(23));
// There's no way to extract years, months or days from the signed
// duration like one might extract hours (because every hour
// is the same length). Instead, you actually have to convert
// it to a span and then balance it by providing a relative date!
let options = SpanRound::new().largest(Unit::Day).relative(&zdt1);
let span = Span::try_from(duration)?.round(options)?;
assert_eq!(format!("{span:#}"), "1d");
§Example: getting an unsigned duration

If you’re looking to find the duration between two zoned datetimes as a std::time::Duration, you’ll need to use this method to get a SignedDuration and then convert it to a std::time::Duration:

use std::time::Duration;

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt1 = date(2024, 7, 1).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?;
let zdt2 = date(2024, 8, 1).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?;
let duration = Duration::try_from(zdt1.duration_until(&zdt2))?;
assert_eq!(duration, Duration::from_secs(31 * 24 * 60 * 60));

// Note that unsigned durations cannot represent all
// possible differences! If the duration would be negative,
// then the conversion fails:

pub fn duration_since(&self, other: &Zoned) -> SignedDuration

This routine is identical to Zoned::duration_until, but the order of the parameters is flipped.

use jiff::{civil::date, SignedDuration};

let earlier = date(2006, 8, 24).at(22, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?;
let later = date(2019, 1, 31).at(21, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?;
    SignedDuration::from_hours(109_031) + SignedDuration::from_mins(30),

pub fn round<R>(&self, options: R) -> Result<Zoned, Error>
where R: Into<ZonedRound>,

Rounds this zoned datetime according to the ZonedRound configuration given.

The principal option is ZonedRound::smallest, which allows one to configure the smallest units in the returned zoned datetime. Rounding is what determines whether that unit should keep its current value or whether it should be incremented. Moreover, the amount it should be incremented can be configured via ZonedRound::increment. Finally, the rounding strategy itself can be configured via ZonedRound::mode.

Note that this routine is generic and accepts anything that implements Into<ZonedRound>. Some notable implementations are:

  • From<Unit> for ZonedRound, which will automatically create a ZonedRound::new().smallest(unit) from the unit provided.
  • From<(Unit, i64)> for ZonedRound, which will automatically create a ZonedRound::new().smallest(unit).increment(number) from the unit and increment provided.

This returns an error if the smallest unit configured on the given ZonedRound is bigger than days. An error is also returned if the rounding increment is greater than 1 when the units are days. (Currently, rounding to the nearest week, month or year is not supported.)

When the smallest unit is less than days, the rounding increment must divide evenly into the next highest unit after the smallest unit configured (and must not be equivalent to it). For example, if the smallest unit is Unit::Nanosecond, then some of the valid values for the rounding increment are 1, 2, 4, 5, 100 and 500. Namely, any integer that divides evenly into 1,000 nanoseconds since there are 1,000 nanoseconds in the next highest unit (microseconds).

This can also return an error in some cases where rounding would require arithmetic that exceeds the maximum zoned datetime value.


This is a basic example that demonstrates rounding a zoned datetime to the nearest day. This also demonstrates calling this method with the smallest unit directly, instead of constructing a ZonedRound manually.

use jiff::{civil::date, Unit};

// rounds up
let zdt = date(2024, 6, 19).at(15, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
    date(2024, 6, 20).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,

// rounds down
let zdt = date(2024, 6, 19).at(10, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
    date(2024, 6, 19).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,
§Example: changing the rounding mode

The default rounding mode is RoundMode::HalfExpand, which breaks ties by rounding away from zero. But other modes like RoundMode::Trunc can be used too:

use jiff::{civil::date, RoundMode, Unit, Zoned, ZonedRound};

let zdt = date(2024, 6, 19).at(15, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
    date(2024, 6, 20).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,
// The default will round up to the next day for any time past noon (as
// shown above), but using truncation rounding will always round down.
    date(2024, 6, 19).at(0, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,
§Example: rounding to the nearest 5 minute increment
use jiff::{civil::date, Unit};

// rounds down
let zdt = date(2024, 6, 19)
    .at(15, 27, 29, 999_999_999)
    zdt.round((Unit::Minute, 5))?,
    date(2024, 6, 19).at(15, 25, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,
// rounds up
let zdt = date(2024, 6, 19)
    .at(15, 27, 30, 0)
    zdt.round((Unit::Minute, 5))?,
    date(2024, 6, 19).at(15, 30, 0, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?,
§Example: behavior near time zone transitions

When rounding this zoned datetime near time zone transitions (such as DST), the “sensible” thing is done by default. Namely, rounding will jump to the closest instant, even if the change in civil clock time is large. For example, when rounding up into a gap, the civil clock time will jump over the gap, but the corresponding change in the instant is as one might expect:

use jiff::{Unit, Zoned};

let zdt1: Zoned = "2024-03-10T01:59:00-05[America/New_York]".parse()?;
let zdt2 = zdt1.round(Unit::Hour)?;

Similarly, when rounding inside a fold, rounding will respect whether it’s the first or second time the clock has repeated the hour. For the DST transition in New York on 2024-11-03 from offset -04 to -05, here is an example that rounds the first 1 o’clock hour:

use jiff::{Unit, Zoned};

let zdt1: Zoned = "2024-11-03T01:59:01-04[America/New_York]".parse()?;
let zdt2 = zdt1.round(Unit::Minute)?;

And now the second 1 o’clock hour. Notice how the rounded result stays in the second 1 o’clock hour.

use jiff::{Unit, Zoned};

let zdt1: Zoned = "2024-11-03T01:59:01-05[America/New_York]".parse()?;
let zdt2 = zdt1.round(Unit::Minute)?;
§Example: overflow error

This example demonstrates that it’s possible for this operation to result in an error from zoned datetime arithmetic overflow.

use jiff::{Timestamp, Unit};

let zdt = Timestamp::MAX.in_tz("America/New_York")?;

This occurs because rounding to the nearest day for the maximum timestamp would result in rounding up to the next day. But the next day is greater than the maximum, and so this returns an error.


impl Zoned

Parsing and formatting using a “printf”-style API.


pub fn strptime( format: impl AsRef<[u8]>, input: impl AsRef<[u8]>, ) -> Result<Zoned, Error>

Parses a zoned datetime in input matching the given format.

The format string uses a “printf”-style API where conversion specifiers can be used as place holders to match components of a datetime. For details on the specifiers supported, see the fmt::strtime module documentation.


The strtime module APIs do not require an IANA time zone identifier to parse a Zoned. If one is not used, then if you format a zoned datetime in a time zone like America/New_York and then parse it back again, the zoned datetime you get back will be a “fixed offset” zoned datetime. This in turn means it will not perform daylight saving time safe arithmetic.

However, the %Q directive may be used to both format and parse an IANA time zone identifier. It is strongly recommended to use this directive whenever one is formatting or parsing Zoned values.


This returns an error when parsing failed. This might happen because the format string itself was invalid, or because the input didn’t match the format string.

This also returns an error if there wasn’t sufficient information to construct a zoned datetime. For example, if an offset wasn’t parsed.


This example shows how to parse a zoned datetime:

use jiff::Zoned;

let zdt = Zoned::strptime("%F %H:%M %:Q", "2024-07-14 21:14 US/Eastern")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.to_string(), "2024-07-14T21:14:00-04:00[US/Eastern]");

pub fn strftime<'f, F>(&self, format: &'f F) -> Display<'f>
where F: 'f + AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,

Formats this zoned datetime according to the given format.

The format string uses a “printf”-style API where conversion specifiers can be used as place holders to format components of a datetime. For details on the specifiers supported, see the fmt::strtime module documentation.


The strtime module APIs do not support parsing or formatting with IANA time zone identifiers. This means that if you format a zoned datetime in a time zone like America/New_York and then parse it back again, the zoned datetime you get back will be a “fixed offset” zoned datetime. This in turn means it will not perform daylight saving time safe arithmetic.

The strtime modules APIs are useful for ad hoc formatting and parsing, but they shouldn’t be used as an interchange format. For an interchange format, the default std::fmt::Display and std::str::FromStr trait implementations on Zoned are appropriate.

§Errors and panics

While this routine itself does not error or panic, using the value returned may result in a panic if formatting fails. See the documentation on fmt::strtime::Display for more information.

To format in a way that surfaces errors without panicking, use either fmt::strtime::format or fmt::strtime::BrokenDownTime::format.


While the output of the Unix date command is likely locale specific, this is what it looks like on my system:

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2024, 7, 15).at(16, 24, 59, 0).in_tz("America/New_York")?;
let string = zdt.strftime("%a %b %e %I:%M:%S %p %Z %Y").to_string();
assert_eq!(string, "Mon Jul 15 04:24:59 PM EDT 2024");

Trait Implementations§


impl<'a> Add<Duration> for &'a Zoned

Adds an unsigned duration of time to a zoned datetime.

This uses checked arithmetic and panics on overflow. To handle overflow without panics, use Zoned::checked_add.


type Output = Zoned

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

fn add(self, rhs: Duration) -> Zoned

Performs the + operation. Read more

impl<'a> Add<SignedDuration> for &'a Zoned

Adds a signed duration of time to a zoned datetime.

This uses checked arithmetic and panics on overflow. To handle overflow without panics, use Zoned::checked_add.


type Output = Zoned

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

fn add(self, rhs: SignedDuration) -> Zoned

Performs the + operation. Read more

impl<'a> Add<Span> for &'a Zoned

Adds a span of time to a zoned datetime.

This uses checked arithmetic and panics on overflow. To handle overflow without panics, use Zoned::checked_add.


type Output = Zoned

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

fn add(self, rhs: Span) -> Zoned

Performs the + operation. Read more

impl AddAssign<Duration> for Zoned

Adds an unsigned duration of time to a zoned datetime in place.

This uses checked arithmetic and panics on overflow. To handle overflow without panics, use Zoned::checked_add.


fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Duration)

Performs the += operation. Read more

impl AddAssign<SignedDuration> for Zoned

Adds a signed duration of time to a zoned datetime in place.

This uses checked arithmetic and panics on overflow. To handle overflow without panics, use Zoned::checked_add.


fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: SignedDuration)

Performs the += operation. Read more

impl AddAssign<Span> for Zoned

Adds a span of time to a zoned datetime in place.

This uses checked arithmetic and panics on overflow. To handle overflow without panics, use Zoned::checked_add.


fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Span)

Performs the += operation. Read more

impl Clone for Zoned


fn clone(&self) -> Zoned

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for Zoned

Converts a Zoned datetime into a human readable datetime string.

(This Debug representation currently emits the same string as the Display representation, but this is not a guarantee.)

Options currently supported:


use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2024, 6, 15).at(7, 0, 0, 123_000_000).in_tz("US/Eastern")?;
// Precision values greater than 9 are clamped to 9.
// A precision of 0 implies the entire fractional
// component is always truncated.

fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Default for Zoned


fn default() -> Zoned

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Zoned


fn deserialize<D>( deserializer: D, ) -> Result<Zoned, <D as Deserializer<'de>>::Error>
where D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl Display for Zoned

Converts a Zoned datetime into a RFC 9557 compliant string.

Options currently supported:


use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2024, 6, 15).at(7, 0, 0, 123_000_000).in_tz("US/Eastern")?;
// Precision values greater than 9 are clamped to 9.
// A precision of 0 implies the entire fractional
// component is always truncated.

fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl<'a> From<&'a Zoned> for BrokenDownTime


fn from(zdt: &'a Zoned) -> BrokenDownTime

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<'a> From<&'a Zoned> for Date


fn from(zdt: &'a Zoned) -> Date

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<'a> From<&'a Zoned> for DateDifference


fn from(zdt: &'a Zoned) -> DateDifference

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<'a> From<&'a Zoned> for DateTime

Converts a &Zoned to a DateTime.


fn from(zdt: &'a Zoned) -> DateTime

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<'a> From<&'a Zoned> for DateTimeDifference


fn from(zdt: &'a Zoned) -> DateTimeDifference

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<'a> From<&'a Zoned> for ISOWeekDate


fn from(zdt: &'a Zoned) -> ISOWeekDate

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<'a> From<&'a Zoned> for Pieces<'a>


fn from(zdt: &'a Zoned) -> Pieces<'a>

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<'a> From<&'a Zoned> for SpanRelativeTo<'a>


fn from(zdt: &'a Zoned) -> SpanRelativeTo<'a>

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<'a> From<&'a Zoned> for Time


fn from(zdt: &'a Zoned) -> Time

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<'a> From<&'a Zoned> for TimeDifference


fn from(zdt: &'a Zoned) -> TimeDifference

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<'a> From<&'a Zoned> for Timestamp


fn from(zdt: &'a Zoned) -> Timestamp

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<'a> From<&'a Zoned> for TimestampDifference


fn from(zdt: &'a Zoned) -> TimestampDifference

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<'a> From<&'a Zoned> for ZonedDifference<'a>


fn from(zdt: &'a Zoned) -> ZonedDifference<'a>

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl From<Zoned> for Date


fn from(zdt: Zoned) -> Date

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl From<Zoned> for DateDifference


fn from(zdt: Zoned) -> DateDifference

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl From<Zoned> for DateTime

Converts a Zoned to a DateTime.


fn from(zdt: Zoned) -> DateTime

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl From<Zoned> for DateTimeDifference


fn from(zdt: Zoned) -> DateTimeDifference

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl From<Zoned> for ISOWeekDate


fn from(zdt: Zoned) -> ISOWeekDate

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl From<Zoned> for SystemTime


fn from(time: Zoned) -> SystemTime

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl From<Zoned> for Time


fn from(zdt: Zoned) -> Time

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl From<Zoned> for TimeDifference


fn from(zdt: Zoned) -> TimeDifference

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl From<Zoned> for Timestamp


fn from(zdt: Zoned) -> Timestamp

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl From<Zoned> for TimestampDifference


fn from(zdt: Zoned) -> TimestampDifference

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl FromStr for Zoned

Parses a zoned timestamp from the Temporal datetime format.

See the fmt::temporal for more information on the precise format.

Note that this is only enabled when the std feature is enabled because it requires access to a global TimeZoneDatabase.


type Err = Error

The associated error which can be returned from parsing.

fn from_str(string: &str) -> Result<Zoned, Error>

Parses a string s to return a value of this type. Read more

impl Hash for Zoned


fn hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H)
where H: Hasher,

Feeds this value into the given Hasher. Read more
1.3.0 · Source§

fn hash_slice<H>(data: &[Self], state: &mut H)
where H: Hasher, Self: Sized,

Feeds a slice of this type into the given Hasher. Read more

impl Ord for Zoned


fn cmp(&self, rhs: &Zoned) -> Ordering

This method returns an Ordering between self and other. Read more
1.21.0 · Source§

fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized,

Compares and returns the maximum of two values. Read more
1.21.0 · Source§

fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized,

Compares and returns the minimum of two values. Read more
1.50.0 · Source§

fn clamp(self, min: Self, max: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized,

Restrict a value to a certain interval. Read more

impl<'a> PartialEq<Zoned> for &'a Zoned


fn eq(&self, rhs: &Zoned) -> bool

Tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · Source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl PartialEq for Zoned


fn eq(&self, rhs: &Zoned) -> bool

Tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · Source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl<'a> PartialOrd<Zoned> for &'a Zoned


fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &Zoned) -> Option<Ordering>

This method returns an ordering between self and other values if one exists. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn lt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests less than (for self and other) and is used by the < operator. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn le(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests less than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the <= operator. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn gt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests greater than (for self and other) and is used by the > operator. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn ge(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests greater than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the >= operator. Read more

impl PartialOrd for Zoned


fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &Zoned) -> Option<Ordering>

This method returns an ordering between self and other values if one exists. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn lt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests less than (for self and other) and is used by the < operator. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn le(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests less than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the <= operator. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn gt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests greater than (for self and other) and is used by the > operator. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn ge(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests greater than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the >= operator. Read more

impl Serialize for Zoned


fn serialize<S>( &self, serializer: S, ) -> Result<<S as Serializer>::Ok, <S as Serializer>::Error>
where S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

impl<'a> Sub<Duration> for &'a Zoned

Subtracts an unsigned duration of time from a zoned datetime.

This uses checked arithmetic and panics on overflow. To handle overflow without panics, use Zoned::checked_sub.


type Output = Zoned

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn sub(self, rhs: Duration) -> Zoned

Performs the - operation. Read more

impl<'a> Sub<SignedDuration> for &'a Zoned

Subtracts a signed duration of time from a zoned datetime.

This uses checked arithmetic and panics on overflow. To handle overflow without panics, use Zoned::checked_sub.


type Output = Zoned

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn sub(self, rhs: SignedDuration) -> Zoned

Performs the - operation. Read more

impl<'a> Sub<Span> for &'a Zoned

Subtracts a span of time from a zoned datetime.

This uses checked arithmetic and panics on overflow. To handle overflow without panics, use Zoned::checked_sub.


type Output = Zoned

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn sub(self, rhs: Span) -> Zoned

Performs the - operation. Read more

impl<'a> Sub for &'a Zoned

Computes the span of time between two zoned datetimes.

This will return a negative span when the zoned datetime being subtracted is greater.

Since this uses the default configuration for calculating a span between two zoned datetimes (no rounding and largest units is days), this will never panic or fail in any way.

To configure the largest unit or enable rounding, use Zoned::since.


type Output = Span

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

fn sub(self, rhs: &'a Zoned) -> Span

Performs the - operation. Read more

impl SubAssign<Duration> for Zoned

Subtracts an unsigned duration of time from a zoned datetime in place.

This uses checked arithmetic and panics on overflow. To handle overflow without panics, use Zoned::checked_sub.


fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: Duration)

Performs the -= operation. Read more

impl SubAssign<SignedDuration> for Zoned

Subtracts a signed duration of time from a zoned datetime in place.

This uses checked arithmetic and panics on overflow. To handle overflow without panics, use Zoned::checked_sub.


fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: SignedDuration)

Performs the -= operation. Read more

impl SubAssign<Span> for Zoned

Subtracts a span of time from a zoned datetime in place.

This uses checked arithmetic and panics on overflow. To handle overflow without panics, use Zoned::checked_sub.


fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: Span)

Performs the -= operation. Read more

impl TryFrom<SystemTime> for Zoned


type Error = Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(system_time: SystemTime) -> Result<Zoned, Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl Eq for Zoned

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl Freeze for Zoned


impl RefUnwindSafe for Zoned


impl Send for Zoned


impl Sync for Zoned


impl Unpin for Zoned


impl UnwindSafe for Zoned

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut u8)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<Q, K> Comparable<K> for Q
where Q: Ord + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn compare(&self, key: &K) -> Ordering

Compare self to key and return their ordering.

impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
where Q: Eq + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool

Checks if this value is equivalent to the given key. Read more

impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
where Q: Eq + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool

Compare self to key and return true if they are equal.

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> FromRef<T> for T
where T: Clone,


fn from_ref(input: &T) -> T

Converts to this type from a reference to the input type.

impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoEither for T


fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left is true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
where F: FnOnce(&Self) -> bool,

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left(&self) returns true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

impl<T> Pointable for T


const ALIGN: usize = _

The alignment of pointer.

type Init = T

The type for initializers.

unsafe fn init(init: <T as Pointable>::Init) -> usize

Initializes a with the given initializer. Read more

unsafe fn deref<'a>(ptr: usize) -> &'a T

Dereferences the given pointer. Read more

unsafe fn deref_mut<'a>(ptr: usize) -> &'a mut T

Mutably dereferences the given pointer. Read more

unsafe fn drop(ptr: usize)

Drops the object pointed to by the given pointer. Read more

impl<T> QuickClone<T> for T
where T: Clone,


fn C(&self) -> T


impl<T> QuickToOwned for T
where T: ToOwned,


type Owned = <T as ToOwned>::Owned


fn O(&self) -> <T as QuickToOwned>::Owned


impl<T> QuickToString for T
where T: ToString + ?Sized,


fn S(&self) -> String


impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T> ToString for T
where T: Display + ?Sized,


default fn to_string(&self) -> String

Converts the given value to a String. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T
where V: MultiLane<T>,


fn vzip(self) -> V


impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

impl<T> DeserializeOwned for T
where T: for<'de> Deserialize<'de>,


impl<T> ErasedDestructor for T
where T: 'static,


impl<T> MaybeSendSync for T